
インテル・エクメニチ Part 2


Chapter I.  General Norms


9. The practical norms, in the Constitution and in this Instruction, as well as practices this Instruction allows or mandates even before revision of the liturgical books, even if they are part of the Roman Rite, may be applied in other Latin rites, due regard being given to the provisions of law.

10. Matters that this Instruction commits to the power of the competent, territorial ecclesiastical authority can and should be put into effect only by such authority through lawful decrees.

In every case the time and circumstances in which such decrees begin to take effect are to be stipulated, with a reasonable preceding interval (vacatio) provided for instruction and preparation of the faithful regarding their observance.


11. Regarding the liturgical formation of the clergy:

a. In theological faculties there shall be a chair of liturgy so that all students may receive the requisite liturgical instruction; in seminaries and religious houses of studies local Ordinaries and major superiors shall see to it that as soon as possible there is a properly trained specialist in liturgy.

b. Professors appointed to teach liturgy shall be trained as soon as possible, in keeping with the norms of the Constitution art. 15.

c. For the continuing liturgical education of clerics, especially those already working in the Lord's vineyard, institutes in pastoral liturgy shall be set up wherever possible.

12. The course in liturgy shall be of appropriate duration, to be fixed in the curriculum of studies by competent authority, and shall follow a method patterned on the norm of the Constitution art. 16.

13. Liturgical celebrations shall be carried out as perfectly as possible. Therefore:

a. Rubrics shall be observed exactly and ceremonies carried out with dignity, under the careful supervision of superiors and with the required preparation beforehand.

b. Clerics shall frequently exercise the liturgical functions proper to their order, i.e., of deacon, subdeacon, acolyte, reader, as well as those of commentator and cantor.

c. Churches and chapels, all sacred furnishings and vestments shall bear the mark of genuine Christian art, including the contemporary.


14. In order that clerics may be trained for a full participation in liturgical celebrations and for a spiritual life deriving from them and to be shared later with others, the Constitution on the Liturgy shall be put into full effect in seminaries and religious houses of studies in keeping with the norms of the documents of the Holy See, the superiors and faculty all working together in harmony to achieve this goal. In order to guide clerics properly toward the liturgy: books are to be recommended on liturgy, especially in its theological and spiritual dimensions, and made available in the library in sufficient numbers; there are to be meditations and conferences, drawn above all from the fonts of sacred Scripture and liturgy (see Const. art. 35, 2); and those communal devotions are to be observed that are in keeping with Christian customs and practice and are suited to the various seasons of the liturgical year.

15. The eucharist, center of the whole spiritual life, is to be celebrated daily and with the use of different forms of celebration best suited to the condition of the participants.

On Sundays and on the other greater holydays a sung Mass shall be celebrated, with all who live in the house participating; there is to be a homily and, as far as possible, all who are not priests shall receive communion. Once the new rite has been published, concelebration is permitted for priests, especially on more solemn feasts, if pastoral needs do not require individual celebration.

At least on the great festivals it would be well for seminarians to participate in the eucharist gathered round the bishop in the cathedral church.

16. Even if not yet bound by obligation to divine office, clerics should each day recite or sing in common lauds in the morning as morning prayer and vespers in the evening as evening prayer or compline at the end of the day. Superiors should, as far as possible, themselves take part in this common recitation. Sufficient time shall be provided in the daily schedule for clerics in sacred orders to pray the divine office.

At least on major festivals it would be well, when possible, for seminarians to sing evening prayer in the cathedral church.

17. Religious devotions, arranged according to the laws or customs of each place or institute, shall be held in due esteem. Nevertheless, care should be taken that, especially if they are held in common, they harmonize with the liturgy, in keeping with the Constitution art. 13, and that they take into account the seasons of the liturgical year.


18. The foregoing articles on the liturgical formation of clerics' spiritual life are to be applied, with the required modifications, to both men and women members of religious institutes.


19. Pastors shall strive diligently and patiently to carry out the mandate of the Constitution on the liturgical formation of the faithful and on their active participation, both inward and outward, "in keeping with their age and condition, their way of life, and stage of religious development" (SC art. 19). They should be especially concerned about the liturgical formation and active participation of those involved in lay religious associations; such people have the responsibility of sharing more fully in the Church's life and of assisting their pastors in the effective promotion of parish liturgical life (see SC art. 42).


20. Regulation of the liturgy belongs to the authority of the Church; no one, therefore, is to act on individual initiative in this matter, thereby, as might well happen, doing harm to the liturgy and to its reform under competent authority.

21. The Holy See has the authority to reform and approve the general liturgical books; to regulate the liturgy in matters affecting the universal Church; to approve or confirm the acta and decisions of territorial authorities; and to accede to their proposals and requests.

22. The bishop has the authority to regulate the liturgy within his own diocese, in keeping with the norms and spirit of the Constitution on the Liturgy, the decrees of the Holy See, and competent territorial authority.

23. The various territorial assemblies of bishops that have responsibility for the liturgy by virtue of the Constitution art. 22 should for the time being be taken to mean one of the following:

a. an assembly of all the bishops of a nation, in accordance with the norm of the Motu Proprio Sacram Liturgiam X;

b. an assembly already lawfully constituted and consisting of the bishops -- or of the bishops and other local Ordinaries -- of several nations;

c. an assembly yet to be constituted, with the permission of the Holy See, and consisting of the bishops -- or of the bishops and local Ordinaries -- of several nations, especially if the bishops in the individual nations are so few that it would be more advantageous for a group to be formed of those from various nations sharing the same language and culture.

If particular local conditions suggest another course, the matter should be referred to the Holy See.

24. The following must be included in the call to any of the above-mentioned assemblies:

a. residential bishops;

b. abbots and prelates nullius;

c. vicars and prefects apostolic;

d. permanently appointed apostolic administrators of dioceses;

e. all other local Ordinaries, except vicars general.

Coadjutor and auxiliary bishops may be called by the president, with the consent of the majority of the voting members of the assembly.

25. Unless there is some other lawful provision for certain places and in view of special circumstances, the assembly must be convened:

a. by the one who is the president, in the case of assemblies already lawfully constituted;

b. in other cases, by the archbishop or bishop having right of precedence under the norm of law.

26. The president, with the consent of the fathers, establishes the rules of order for dealing with issues and opens, transfers, extends, and adjourns the sessions of the assembly.

27. A deliberative vote belongs to all those named in no. 24, including coadjutor and auxiliary bishops, unless the convening instrument expressly provides otherwise.

28. Lawful enactment of decrees requires a two-thirds vote by secret ballot.

29. The acta of the competent territorial authority, to be transmitted to the Holy See for approval, that is, confirmation, should include the following:

a. the names of participants in the assembly;

b. a report on matters dealt with;

c. c. the outcome of the vote on each decree.

These acta, signed by the president and secretary of the assembly and stamped with a seal, shall be sent in duplicate to the Consilium.

30. With regard to acta containing decrees on use of the vernacular and the mariner of its introduction into the liturgy, the acta, following the Constitution on the Liturgy art. 36, § 3 and the Motu Proprio Sacram Liturgiam no. IX, should also contain:

a. a list of the individual parts of the liturgy for which use of the vernacular has been decided;

b. two copies of the liturgical texts prepared in the vernacular, one of which will be returned to the assembly of bishops;

c. a brief report on the criteria used for the work of translation.

31. The decrees of the territorial authority needing the approval, that is, confirmation, of the Holy See shall be promulgated and implemented only when they have received such approval, that is, confirmation.


32. Parts belonging to the choir or to the people and sung or recited by them are not said privately by the celebrant.

33. Nor are readings that are read or sung by the appropriate minister said privately by the celebrant.


34. Individual bishops, or, if it seems advisable, regional or national conferences of bishops shall see to it that the Council's prohibition against preferential treatment of individuals or a social class either in the ceremonies or by outward display is respected in their territories.

35. In addition, pastors shall not neglect to ensure prudently and charitably that in the liturgical services and more especially in the celebration of Mass and the administration of the sacraments and sacramentals the equality of the faithful is clearly apparent and that any suggestion of moneymaking is avoided.

あなた様のお望み通りに。」  - 1967年7月2日付の或る書簡

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