
インテル・エクメニチ Part 3



IX. 幾つかの儀式に於ける簡素化(典礼憲章 34)


36. 典礼行為が時代の精神とより調和した気品ある単純さをはっきり打ち出すようになるために:

36. In order that liturgical services may manifest a noble simplicity more attuned to the spirit of the times:

a. 司式司祭と典礼奉仕者は、聖歌隊には、儀式の始めと終わりにだけお辞儀をする。

a. the celebrant and ministers shall bow to the choir only at the beginning and end of a service;

b. 聖職者による撒香[さんこう]は、それが司教である場合を除き、聖歌隊に対しては、その両端に向かって香炉を三度振ることとする。

b. incensation of the clergy, apart from those who are bishops, shall take place toward each side of the choir, with three swings of the censer;

c. 祭壇に対する撒香は、典礼儀式が正に行われている場所にある一つの祭壇に対してのみとする。

c. incensation shall be limited to the one altar where the liturgical rite is being celebrated;

d. 表わされ、受け取られる、手や器物への接吻は、省略される。

d. kissing of the hand and of objects presented or received shall be omitted.

上の a.から d. までのリストの訳は、典礼に詳しい人から見れば笑いの種、間違ったものであるかも知れません。撒香がどうのと言われても、私にはよく分からないのです。





37. In places without a priest and where none is available for celebration of Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation, a sacred celebration of the word of God with a deacon or even a properly appointed layperson presiding, shall be arranged, at the discretion of the local Ordinary.

The plan of such a celebration shall be almost the same as that of the liturgy of the word at Mass. Normally the epistle and gospel from the Mass of the day shall be read in the vernacular, with chants, especially from the psalms, before and between the readings. If the one presiding is a deacon, he shall give a homily; a nondeacon shall read a homily chosen by the bishop or the pastor. The whole celebration is to end with the universal prayer or prayer of the faithful and the Lord's Prayer.

38. Celebrations of the word of God, to be promoted on the vigils of more solemn feast days, should also follow the structure of the liturgy of the word at Mass, although it is quite permissible to have but one reading.

Where there are several readings, their arrangement, for a clear perception of the progression of salvation history, should place the Old Testament reading before the one from the New Testament and should show the reading of the gospel to be the culmination of all.

39. The diocesan liturgical commissions shall be responsible for suggesting and making available such resources as will ensure dignity and devotion in these celebrations of the word.


40. Vernacular translations of liturgical texts to be prepared in conformity with the norms of art. 36, § 3 will benefit from observing the following criteria.

a. The basis of the translations is the Latin liturgical text. The version of the biblical passages should conform to the same Latin liturgical text. This does not, however, take away the right to revise that version, should it seem advisable, on the basis of the original text or of some clearer version.

b. The liturgical commission mentioned in the Constitution art. 44 and in the present Instruction art. 44 is to have special responsibility for the preparation of translations of liturgical texts, with the institute of pastoral liturgy providing as much assistance as possible. But where there is no such commission, two or three bishops are to share responsibility for the translating; they are to choose experts, including the laity, in Scripture, liturgy, the biblical languages, Latin, the vernacular, and music. Sound translation of a liturgical text into the language of a people has to answer many requirements simultaneously.

c. Where applicable, there should be consultation on translations with bishops of neighboring regions using the same language.

d. In nations of several languages there should be a translation for each language, to be submitted to the bishops involved for careful examination.

e. Special attention should be given to the high quality of books used for reading the liturgical text to the people in the vernacular, so that even the book's appearance may prompt greater reverence for the word of God and for sacred objects.

41. Liturgical services held anywhere for people of a foreign language, especially for immigrants, members of a personal parish, or other like groups, may, with the consent of the local Ordinary, lawfully be celebrated in the native tongue of these faithful. Such celebrations are to conform to the limits for use of the vernacular and to the translation approved by the competent, territorial ecclesiastical authority for the language in question.

42. Melodies for parts to be sung in the vernacular by celebrant and ministers must have the approval of the competent, territorial ecclesiastical authority.

43. Particular liturgical books lawfully approved before the promulgation of the Constitution on the Liturgy and indults granted up to then, unless they conflict with the Constitution, remain in force until other dispositions are made as the reform of the liturgy is completed, in whole or in part.


44 . The liturgical commission, which should be expeditiously established by the territorial authority, shall as far as possible be chosen from among the bishops themselves or at least include one of them, along with priests expert in liturgical and pastoral matters and designated by name for this office.

The members and consultants of the commission should ideally meet several times a year to deal with issues as a group.

45. The territorial authority may properly entrust the following to the commission:

a. to carry out studies and experiments in keeping with the norms of the Constitution art. 40, §§ 1 and 2;

b. to further practical initiatives for the whole region that will foster liturgical life and the application of the Constitution on the Liturgy;

c. to prepare studies and the resources required as a result of decrees of the plenary assembly of bishops;

d. to control pastoral liturgy in the whole nation, to see to the application of decrees of the plenary assembly, and to report on these matters to the assembly;

e. to further frequent consultation and promote collaboration with regional associations involved with Scripture, catechetics, pastoral care, music, and art, as well as with every kind of lay religious association.

46. Members of the institute of pastoral liturgy, as well as experts called to assist the liturgical commission, shall be generous in aiding individual bishops to promote pastoral? liturgical activity more effectively in their territory.


47. The diocesan liturgical commission, under the direction of the bishop, has these responsibilities:

a. to be fully informed on the state of pastoral - liturgical activity in the diocese;

b. to carry out faithfully those proposals in liturgical matters made by the competent authority and to keep informed on the studies and programs taking place elsewhere in this field;

c. to suggest and promote practical programs of every kind that may contribute to the advancement of liturgical life, especially in the interest of aiding priests laboring in the Lord's vineyard;

d. to suggest, in individual cases or even for the whole diocese, timely, step-by-step measures for the work of pastoral liturgy, to appoint and to call upon people capable of helping priests in this matter as occasion arises, to propose suitable means and resources;

e. to see to it that programs in the diocese designed to promote liturgy go forward with the cooperation and mutual help of other groups along the lines mentioned above (no. 45 e) regarding the liturgical commission of the assembly of bishops.

あなた様のお望み通りに。」  - 1967年7月2日付の或る書簡

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