
トレス・アビンク・アンノス Part 1


トレス・アビンク・アンノス(Tres Abhinc Annos)







英訳  /  ラテン語 (AAS)







Options in the Text for Mass



Prayers in the Mass



Changes in the Order of the Mass



Some Special Cases



Variations in the Divine Office



Some Variations in the Rites for the Dead






Use of the Vernacular




Three years ago the Instruction Inter Oecumenici, issued by the Congregation of Rites, September 26, 1964, established a number of adaptations for introduction into the sacred rites. These adaptations, the first fruits of the general liturgical reform called for by the conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy, took effect on March 7, 1965.


Their rich yield is becoming quite clear from the many reports of bishops, which attest to an increased, more aware, and intense participation of the faithful everywhere in the liturgy, especially in the holy sacrifice of the Mass.


To increase this participation even more and to make the liturgical rites, especially the Mass, clearer and better understood, the same bishops have proposed certain other adaptations. Submitted first to the Consilium, the proposals have undergone careful examination and discussion by the Consilium and the Congregation of Rites.


At least for the moment, not every proposal can be sanctioned. Others, however, do seem worth putting into effect immediately, because pastoral considerations commend them and they seem to offer no hindrance to the definitive reform of the liturgy yet to come. Further, they seem advantageous for the gradual introduction of that reform and are feasible simply by altering rubrics, not the existing liturgical books.


上の赤文字にした部分についてですが──Wikipedia によれば、新しい典礼書は教皇によって “承認” されたのが1969年*、“公布” されたのが1970年だそうです。で、この指針は1967年に発布されました。と云うことは、この指針自身が言う通り、この時点では新しい典礼書もその総則もまだできていなかったのです。

* 教皇パウロ6世の1969年4月3日付けの使徒憲章『ミッサーレ・ロマーヌム(Missale Romanum)』によって。



この機会に、皆に、典礼憲章が荘厳に確認した教会の規律の基本原則を思い出させることが必要と思われる。「典礼の規制は、教会の権威だけに依存している。従って、他の何人も、たとえ司祭であっても、自分の考えで、典礼に何かを加え、除去し、変更してはならない」(典礼憲章 22、§§2-3)。

On this occasion it seems necessary to recall to everyone's mind that capital principle of Church discipline which the Constitution on the Liturgy solemnly confirmed. "Regulation of the liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church. Therefore, no other person, not even a priest, may on his own add, take away, or change anything in the liturgy" (SC art. 22, §§ 2-3).


Ordinaries, both local and religious, should therefore be mindful of their grave duty before the Lord to watch carefully over observance of this norm, so important for Church life and order. All ministers of sacred rites as well as all the faithful should also willingly conform to it.


Individual spiritual growth and well-being demand this, as do harmonious cooperation in the Lord and mutual good example among the faithful in any local community. It is required also by the serious responsibility of each community to cooperate for the good of the Church throughout the world, especially today when the good or evil that develops in local communities quickly has an impact on the fabric of the whole family of God.

すべての人が使徒の警告を念頭に置かなければならない。「神は混乱を引き起こすかたではなく、平和をもたらすかたなのです」(1コリント 14:33)。

All should heed the warning of the Apostle: "For God is not a God of discord but of peace" (I Cor 14:33).


The following adaptations and changes are instituted to achieve the more specific actualization and measured progress of the liturgical reform.




I. ミサの式文のオプション

I. Options in the Text for Mass

1. Outside Lent, on days of class III, the Mass either of the office of the day or of the commemoration made at morning prayer may be celebrated. If the second is chosen, the color of the office of the day may be used, in keeping with the Codex rubricarum no. 323.

2. Once the conference of bishops in its own region has sanctioned an order of readings for weekdays in Masses with a congregation this may also be used for Masses celebrated without a congregation and the readings may be in the vernacular.

This order of readings for weekdays may be used on certain days of class II, to be indicated in the Lectionary itself, and in all Masses of class III and IV, whether Masses of the season or of saints, or votive Masses not having their own, strictly proper readings, that is, those that mention the mystery or person being celebrated.

3. On weekdays in Ordinary Time, in the celebration of the Mass of the Sunday preceding, one of the Prayers for Various Needs or an opening prayer from the votive Masses for Various Needs may be taken from the Missal to replace the prayer of the Sunday Mass.

II. ミサの祈り

II. Prayers in the Mass

4. In the Mass only one prayer is to be said; depending on the rubrics, however, there is added before the single conclusion:

a. the prayer proper to a rite (Codex rubricarum no. 447);
the prayer from the Mass for the profession of men and women religious, displacing the Mass of the day (Rubr. spec. Missalis no. 447);
the prayer from the votive Mass Pro sponsis displaced by the Mass of the day (Codex rubricarum no. 380).

b. the prayer from the votive Mass of thanksgiving (Codex rubricarum no. 382 and Rubr. spec. Missalis);
the prayer for the anniversaries of the pope and the bishop (Codex rubricarum nos. 449-450);
the prayer for the anniversary of the priest's own ordination (Codex rubricarum nos. 451-452).

5. If in the same Mass several prayers were to be required before the single conclusion, the only one added is the one most in keeping with the celebration.

6. Instead of an imperated prayer, the bishop may insert one or more intentions for particular needs into the general intercessions.

In them by decree of the conference of bishops intentions also may be included for civil rulers (now used in various forms in the different countries) and special intentions for the particular needs of a nation or region.

あなた様のお望み通りに。」  - 1967年7月2日付の或る書簡

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