



拙訳、試訳。〔 〕と幾つかの画像は私による付加。



〔HLI = Human Life International〕

HLI Ireland’s astonishing ‘Holy Face’ project


Thu Jun 16, 2016 - 10:00 am EST

by スティーブ・ジョルセバック

Steve Jalsevac


June 16, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – In recent decades, there has been a major decline in the formerly strong Catholic faith of the Irish people. As a result, anti-life and anti-family forces have been making dramatic gains that no one thought could be possible in Ireland. Human Life International, Ireland realized something dramatic was needed to try to save the nation from moral and spiritual ruin.


Executive Director Patrick McCrystal undertook a Holy Face of Jesus program that has shown great promise to help re-awaken the Irish people to what they have lost and must regain. He realized that a spiritual effort had to be his pro-life organization’s highest priority while still of course continuing with all their other pro-life efforts.


In his recent book, God or Nothing, Cardinal Robert Sarah also implied the very high priority that should be given to such a devotion. He wrote, "I am convinced that one of the most important tasks of the Church is to make the West rediscover the radiant face of Jesus."

マクリスタルは先月、ローマ・ライフ・フォーラムに参加し、会議の仲間のリーダーたちに彼のプログラムについて知らせた。私たちがパトリックへのインタビューで聞いた話はとても印象的なものだった。彼は、聖顔への信心とはどのようなものであるかを話し、そして、彼がどのようにそのキャンペーンと全国的なヴィジル〔祈りの集会〕を告知する巨大な広告板・バス停の広告・Facebook などを通して百万人にものぼる人々に聖顔への信心を示すことができたか、について語った。

McCrystal was attending the Rome Life Forum last month passing out information about his program to his fellow leaders at the conference. It was so impressive that we had to interview Patrick and have him tell the story about the Holy Face devotion and how he was able to place it in front of up to a million people through the use of large billboards, bus ads, a Facebook advertising campaign and nationwide prayer vigils.

下のインタビュー・ビデオを見てください。このビデオは、マクリスタルが世界中のプロ-ライフ諸機関などによって取り上げられることを願っている HLI のプログラムの詳細・重要性・大成功について最もよく伝えている。

See the video of the interview below that best conveys the details, importance and great success of the HLI program that McCrystal hopes will be picked up by pro-life organizations and others around the world.

HLIアイルランドのリーダー〔マクリスタル〕は、数年前に避妊薬を出すことを拒否したために職場を離れなければならなかった薬剤師である。彼は3年間の失業状態の後、HLI で働くことになった。

The HLI Ireland leader was a pharmacist who had to leave the profession some years ago because he refused to dispense the contraceptive pill. He was unemployed for three years and was then led to working for Human Life International.

その後、彼は、「聖顔への信心は、元々は、1849年頃に “聖ペトロのマリア修女” が受けたイエズスとマリアの示現から始まったものであり、彼女は、無神論的共産主義による荒廃に対して天国が差し出す処方箋はイエズスの聖顔に対する信心であるということを世界に知らせることを求められた」と知った。

Later he found out about “the Holy Face of Jesus devotion that originally started as a result of visions of Jesus and Mary encountered by Sister Mary of St. Peter around 1849. It was revealed to her to tell the world that Heaven’s remedy to the ravages of atheistic Communism was devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus."


McCrystal explained that “Eventually that message made its way through to the Pope who established the Holy face devotion as an arch confraternity that enabled it to go around the world. St. Therese of the Child Jesus (St. Therese of Lisieux ) was so inspired by this devotion that she took the name of the Child Jesus of the Holy face.”

その後、1898年に写真技術が進歩したことで、トリノの聖骸布の御顔(HLI の聖顔プログラムはそれを用いている)は歴史上初めて、公衆の目に触れられるようになった。それは現在、イエズスの本物の御顔と考えられている。管理人注2

Then because of advances of photographic techniques in 1898, the face in the Shroud of Turin, that the HLI Holy Face program uses, became available to the public for the first time in history. It is now considered to be the authentic face of Jesus.

マクリスタルによれば、その後、1940年代に、イエズスとマリアのもう一つの示現がバチカンによって承認された。それはマリア・ピエリーナ・デ・ミケーリ修女に与えられた示現である。その示現には、天国はイエズスの御顔が刻印されたメダイが発行されることを望んでいる、という内容が含まれていた。マリア・ピエリーナ・デ・ミケーリ修女は聖顔のメダイを発行する許可を得た。そのメダイは、この信心を広めることに於いて、HLI のプログラムにとっても大きな要素となっている。

Later, in the 1940s McCrystal said, there were more Vatican approved visions of Jesus and Mary that appeared to Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli indicating that Heaven wanted Jesus’ face to be imprinted on a medal. Sister Maria received permission to have the Holy Face imprinted on a medal and that medal is also a big part of the HLI program of spreading the devotion.


In addition to the Holy Face image on one side is added the text, “Let the light of your face shine upon us O Lord.” On the other side are the words, “Stay with us O Lord” around an image of the Holy Eucharist. McCrystal stated that millions of the medals have gone around the world and there “have been graces and promises attached to those who are devoted to Jesus’ Holy Face and wear the medal.”


Then, Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli, who was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010, was told in a later vision, “In these days of sensuality and hatred of God and the Church, a divine remedy is necessary and that remedy is the Holy face of Jesus.”


A campaign was developed to cover all of Ireland


McCrystal said that what Blessed Maria de Micheli was told about “these days of sensuality and hatred of God and the Church” is everything that we’re dealing with in the world today” and they decided to take it seriously and launched a national billboard campaign all over Ireland during Lent, up to the end of Easter Week in 2016.

彼らはイエズスの御顔のイメージだけを配した広告板をダブリンに8枚、他の地域に20枚、計28枚を設置した。縦およそ25フィート〔7m60cm〕× 横およそ15フィート〔4m50cm〕の広告板に、テキストは意図的に入れなかった。そのうちの幾つかは非常に目立つ道路沿いに置かれた。

They sponsored 28 billboards, 8 in Dublin and 20 around the country, with only the image of the face of Jesus. There deliberately was no text on the billboards which were roughly 25 feet by 15 feet in size. Some of them were in very prominent roadside locations.

その後、彼らはこの信心に関する多くの情報を載せたウェブサイト参照を開設した。また、4000ユーロの費用をかけて Facebook に広告を出し、2週間にわたり、アイルランドの715,000人〔アクセス者数?〕の前でキャンペーンを繰り広げた。

Then they created a website with much information about the devotion, together with a Facebook advertising campaign that cost 4,000 euros that brought the campaign in front of 715,000 people in Ireland over a two-week period.


Facebook でのキャンペーンには、アイルランドの背教のために償いを捧げている全国の人々が一つの軍隊のように結集することも伴っていた。それらの償いの祈りは、アイルランドの32の各州に於いて聖金曜日の正午から始められた。償いの祈りの各会場に、高さ8フィール〔約2メートル半〕の聖顔の旗が置かれた。償いの意向はいろいろな事柄に向けられたが、その中には、昨年行なわれた同性婚に関する国民投票の悪い結果参照のことも含まれていた。

The Facebook campaign was accompanied by assembling an army of people for all-Ireland prayer vigils of public reparation for Ireland’s apostasy. These prayers of reparation started at 12 noon on Good Friday at a location in each of the 32 counties of Ireland. There was an 8-foot banner of the Holy Face at each of these vigils of reparation for among other things, the public scandal of the bad result of last year’s referendum on homosexual unions.

3インチ × 2インチ〔約7.5cm × 5cm〕の小さな聖顔のイメージが、4月の間中、200台のバスの中、バスに乗った誰の目にもとまる場所に置かれた。

A smaller 3’ by 2’ Holy Face ad was placed on 200 buses throughout the month of April in a position that could be seen by everyone who rode on the buses.

- 苦情はなかった

Holy Face of Jesus seen by up to a million - with no complaints.


The result was that up to a million saw the Holy Face of Jesus image people during especially the last 2-week period.


There wasn’t one complaint during the entire campaign. Organizers received many positive responses and McCrystal believed that the image, “which was neither a Catholic nor a Protestant image,” had to have positively affected many who saw it.


McCrystal emphasized that the image of Christ “is marked on the very nature of every person (all are made in the image and likeness of Christ), all six billion people on the face of the earth who have all come from the same creator. It’s marked in our souls to somehow be configured to this image that was left on the shroud of Turin, which is there, whether you are a believer or not. It’s not any religion image. It is the face of our creator.”


The campaign, said McCrystal, lifted Jesus’ face up to the people of Ireland and they “left it up to Him to do His effect on souls as He sees fit and they might not know until the day they die what impact this first step to bring Christ to Ireland will have had.”

このキャンペーンの全体には6万ユーロの費用がかかった〔約770万円!?〕。しかしマクリスタルは、このキャンペーンは HLIアイルランドの2000人を超えるサポーターたちを大いに揺り動かしたのであって、一つのアピール書簡〔寄付を募る書簡?〕に対する前例のない反応を見るならば、その総額は容易に償還されるだろう、と考えている。

The entire campaign cost 60,000 euros, but McCrystal found that it so inspired his over 2,000 HLI Ireland supporters that the full amount was easily raised in an unprecedented response to an appeal letter.


McCrystal said that the campaign was such a great success that his group is now brainstorming about how the campaign might be extended to reach globally, especially through social media, during this critical time of great crisis for the church and the world.

更なる情報については humanlife.ie から、或いは聖顔のウェブサイト theholyface.com. から、HLI に連絡することができる。

For additional information, Human Life International can be contacted by going to humanlife.ie or the Holy Face website at theholyface.com.

[管理人注1]  レオ13世教皇様らしい。戻る

[管理人注2]  対して、「マノペッロ(イタリア)の聖顔(Holy Face of Manoppello)」と言われるものは、或る観察によれば「インチキ(Hoax)」だそうである。そりゃそうだろう。戻る


フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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