
メキシコシティ: 礼拝が増すにつれ、暴力が劇的に減少

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National Catholic Register


Mexican City Sees Stunning Drop in Violence
as Adoration Increases


“When a parish adores God day and night,
the city is transformed.”

by パティ・ナップ

Patty Knap


Feb. 1, 2017



From 2008–2010, Ciudad Juárez, in northern Mexico was listed as one of the most dangerous cities in the world, due to drug and gang related violence. Now in a dramatic turnaround, the city is considered safer than several American cities, including Baltimore and New Orleans.



Fr. Patricio Hileman believes the change is due to Eucharistic Adoration. “When a parish adores God day and night, the city is transformed,” Fr. Hileman said.


Jorge Gonzalez Nicholas, a prosecutor from Ciudad Juárez, said, "Juárez has suffered so much and been through so much pain. But the city is reviving: It's a symbol of what can be done. There is no other place in the world that has managed to turn itself around so quickly."


Fr. Hileman told Radio María Argentina that missionaries opened the first Perpetual Adoration Chapel in Juarez in 2013. At that time “40 people a day were dying because two drug gangs were fighting over the city to move drugs into the United States.”

彼らはフアレスとシナロアの〔麻薬〕カルテルだった。後者は最近メキシコから米国に引き渡されたホアキン “エル・チャポ” グスマン・ロエラによって率いられていた。ヒレマン神父は「教会は、この戦いは終わらないだろうと言っていました。何故なら、一方のギャング団は兵士の一団と結びついており、他方のギャング団は警察と結びついていたからです。彼らは人々を殺し、家々を焼き払い、立ち去る、といった仕方で、町中で戦いを繰り広げていました」と回想する。

They were the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels — the latter of which was led by Joaquín “el Chapo” Guzmán Loera, who was recently extradited from Mexico to the United States. Fr. Hileman recalled that “the parishes were saying that the war wasn't ending because a group of soldiers were with one gang and the police were with the other one. They were killing people, burning houses down so they would leave, fighting over the city.”


It was right after Adoration was begun that the murder rate started dropping dramatically. From 2010–2015, the murder rate dropped from a staggering 3,766 to only 256.


One of the parishes that was “desperate” asked the missionaries to open a Perpetual Adoration chapel because they assured that “only Jesus is going to save us from this, only Jesus can give us security.”  The missionaries only took three days to establish the first Perpetual Adoration chapel in Juarez.


Fr. Hileman told of one incident when the city was under a state of siege. A woman was on her way to the chapel to do her Holy Hour at 3:00 a.m., when she was intercepted by six soldiers who asked her where she was heading. When the woman told them that she was going to “the little chapel” the uniformed men asked her where that could be, because everything was closed at that hour. Then the woman suggested they accompany her to see for themselves. When they got to the chapel, the soldiers found “six women making the Holy Hour at the 3:00 in the morning,” Fr. Hileman said.

[管理人注1]  永久礼拝。もちろん、永久聖体礼拝のことである。で、訳語のことだけれども──永久礼拝 = Perpetual Adoration = Adoración Perpetua(スペイン語)。ここでは日本の慣例にならって「永久礼拝」と、「永久」としておいた。しかし、この「永久」という言葉は日本人にとっては「永遠」という言葉に近く、物事の「終わり」を意識させる言葉である。つまり「それには終わりはないんだよ。いつまでも続くんだよ」と。けれども、実際上の意味からすれば、その言葉は「絶え間ない。途切れることがない。不断の」という意味だろう。やや不格好でも、「不断礼拝」とでもした方がいいのではないか?戻る

Adoración Eucarística Perpetua(永久聖体礼拝)を告知するボード。教会の中に貼られたのだろう。(上のビデオから)


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North Texas Catholic


St. Peter the Apostle launches Perpetual Adoration
with providential timing

by メリー・ルー・シーウォースター

By Mary Lou Seewoester


July 19, 2017

Fr. Holguin


FORT WORTH — When Martin Daley of St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Fort Worth approached his pastor, Father Manuel Holguin, about starting Perpetual Adoration, the result was providential.


“He had tears in his eyes,” Daley recalled, “and he said, ‘I’ve been waiting for someone to come to me.’”


Daley did not know that Fr. Holguin had been praying for Perpetual Adoration in Fort Worth even before becoming pastor in July 2016. And Fr. Holguin was not aware that Daley had been writing to Bishop Michael Olson about Perpetual Adoration since 2015.


“It was very providential,” Fr. Holguin said, “It was my desire as well, and he came to me at the perfect time.”


The timing was perfect because the St. Peter Youth Center was under renovation, including remodeling of a small chapel that could easily become a Perpetual Adoration chapel.


“God’s timing is perfect,” Fr. Holguin said.


The St. Teresa of Calcutta Perpetual Adoration Chapel is nearly complete, with an altar, stained glass windows, candelabra, and a small sacristy in place. The first volunteers began adoring the Blessed Sacrament there on July 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Currently, the hours of Adoration begin each Sunday at 6 p.m. and continue through Saturday at midnight. The goal is to have Perpetual Adoration as volunteers come forward to fill the Sunday hours.


Fr. Holguin said he wanted Perpetual Adoration at his parish because it offers the opportunity to experience the fruits and benefits of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament any time, day or night.


“We have this wonderful gift, the real presence of our God in the Eucharist. It’s important for people to be aware and value this gift that we have as Catholics — that we know He is really present.”

カルカッタの聖テレサ・永久礼拝堂で、御聖体の前で祈る訪問者(NTC photo / Juan Guajardo)

Visitors pray before the Blessed Sacrament at St. Teresa of Calcutta Perpetual Adoration Chapel. (NTC photo/Juan Guajardo)
Photo Gallery


Another motivation for Perpetual Adoration is “the transformation I’ve seen in other communities with 24-hour Adoration,” Fr. Holguin said.

彼は ACI Prensa の一つの記事英訳〕に言及した。その記事の中で、パトリシオ・ヒレマン神父が、メキシコのシウダード・フアレスでの暴力の減少の原因を永久礼拝に帰していた。2013年、その国境の街に最初の永久礼拝堂が開かれた後、二ヶ月も経たないうちに、その都市での死亡率が減少し始めた。

He cited an ACI Prensa article in which Father Patricio Hileman attributed a decrease in violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico to Perpetual Adoration. After the first Perpetual Adoration chapel opened in the border city in 2013, deaths in the city began to decrease within two months.


The article by Barbara Bustamente stated the number of annual homicides in Juarez decreased from 3,766 in 2010 to 256 in 2015.


“The city struggled with drug cartels and crime,” Fr. Holguin said, “but the presence of the Lord [in Perpetual Adoration chapels] transformed the reality of the people in that neighborhood.”


In receiving permission from Bishop Olson for Perpetual Adoration, Fr. Holguin explained he also had to “protect both the Blessed Sacrament and the people.”


To do that, the parish installed security cameras inside and outside of the chapel. Between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., only scheduled adorers may enter the chapel via a coded keypad. A professional security agency also patrols the area outside of the chapel from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.


Deacon Wendell Geiger of St. Peter, who helped organize the Adoration schedule, admitted at first he was skeptical about being able to find the required two adorers for every hour of every day.


“But there has been an amazing turnout. The word got out and people started coming out of the woodwork,” he said.


“This has to be God’s work,” he added. “We even started getting phone calls from people in other parishes who heard about it by word of mouth…we didn’t contact them, they contacted us.”


Dcn. Geiger said that with adorers from surrounding parishes, Perpetual Adoration “is really serving a wider community. It will be a gift to whole area and I’m so pleased that people are seeking this.”

助祭ガイガーは、6人の専任教会員のチームに加えて、3月のウィークエンドのミサで聖体礼拝について説教したローレンス・ヴィロン神父(Missionary of the Blessed Sacrament)の助けも借りることにした。

In addition to his team of six dedicated parishioners, Dcn. Geiger also enlisted the help of Father Lawrence Villone, Missionary of the Blessed Sacrament, who preached about Eucharistic Adoration at weekend Masses in March.


“He gave an excellent homily that opened up a hunger in the people and we got a huge response,” Dcn. Geiger said. “This is about the prayer community and the desire of the human heart to be in the presence of God.”


He also worked with Brenda Grayson, who facilitates Adoration at Sacred Heart Parish in Wichita Falls. Though Adoration there is not yet perpetual, the parish recently increased its Adoration time from 15 hours to 19 hours daily with 230 scheduled adorers.

「運営上、彼女は私にって大きな助けとなりました」と彼は語った。「私がしなければならなかったことと云えば、Excel の使い方を覚えることと、人々の能力を使わせてもらうことぐらいでした」

“She was a great help to me administratively,” he said. “All I had to do was learn Excel and use their resources.”


The goal at St. Peter the Apostle is Perpetual Adoration, but several hours on Sunday are still without adorers. Since the Adoration chapel is in a building separate from the church sanctuary, Adoration may continue there even during weekend Masses.


Fr. Holguin invites anyone who wants to spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to become an adorer.


“The Lord is waiting for you,” he said. “It’s good to have communication with Him – openness to Him. And experience His openness to us.”


Those interested in becoming a regular adorer may contact Dcn. Geiger at メールアドレス. Adorers can also register on the parish’s website at stpeterfw.com/adoration-registration.


フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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