
脱同性愛者たちの証言 アキーラ・ブレイボーイ

With God nothing is impossible.

拙訳、試訳。強調と〔 〕は私による付加。 注目ポイント

Christian Broadcasting Network

アキーラは祭壇への呼び出し(Altar Call)に応える


Akilah Answers the Altar Call


by Dory Nissen700 Club Producer)

Dory Nissen - 700 Club Producer



CBN.com -「それが最初に起こったのは、私が6歳の時でした。私は或る人と一つのベッドを共有していたのですが、その人は夜中になると私を愛撫したのです」

Christian Broadcasting Network - “The first time it happened, I was six years old. I was sharing a bed with this person who fondled me in the middle of the night”.

若い少女が初めて彼女に触れた時、アキーラ・ブレイボーイ(Akilah Brayboy)はわずか6歳だった。「私の最初の反応は『何が起こっているの?』というものでした。それまで、そのように触られたことはありませんでした。私は奇妙に感じ、困惑しました」

Akilah Brayboy was just 6 years old when another young girl first touched her. “The initial reaction was, ‘What’s going on here?’ I had not been touched in this way before. It felt strange. It felt awkward.”


She didn’t tell her parents but continued to see the girl often. A pattern of fondling lasted for years.


As Akilah got older, she wanted to like boys, but gravitated to girls.


“I definitely had girl crushes. Some of my friends, in school, I would see them and be attracted to them but I would never act on it out of fear. Everybody had boyfriends and no one who had a girlfriend. So I would just have the feeling and I would internalize it. But I wouldn’t do anything about it.”


In college, Akilah partied and drank heavily. She discovered when she was drinking; she had the courage to act on her feelings for women. “The drinking helped me to be a little bit more outgoing. It just made me less inhibited. It was a way to be a little more liberated.”


Eventually, Akilah had a steady girlfriend. “We were definitely emotionally connected. It was like a real relationship. We did everything together. Something inside of me kinda thought it was wrong, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care because I felt like I was doing what I needed to do to be happy.”


One day, Akilah learned her two brothers had become Christians. They told her about Jesus. “They were very zealous and very passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And they knew I was partying, I was drinking, I had a girl friend and so they would have their Bibles and sit me down and go over scriptures about salvation and about homosexuality, and how God felt about it - an abomination - and how it was wrong. At that time I didn’t really care. I was like, ‘Whatever, I’m out of here.’”


Her brothers didn’t give up, and kept talking to their Akilah. “All of a sudden I started to feel guilty about what I was doing and where I was going. And I knew God was somehow dealing with me about it. About drinking and about being with my girlfriend. Things just started to shift. There was a major shift in my life. I started these guilty feelings about it like, ‘You shouldn’t be doing this.’”


One night, Akilah drove home drunk. The next morning she could not remember the drive. It scared her, and she knew her life had to change. “Everything that my brothers had been talking to me about was coming to the forefront. So I was weary at that point. I felt like I needed something else. Because everything I was doing was not giving me the peace that I thought I should have had.”

次の日曜、アキーラは彼女の兄弟たちの教会に行った。「牧師さんは、何から何まで私の状況にぴったりのことを説いていました。彼の口から出る全ての言葉が私の心を突き刺しました。私は震え始めました。そこには主の圧倒的な存在感がありました。私は彼を私の周りに感じることができました。私は、主が「もしあなたが、来て、私と一緒に歩きたいなら、あなたは自分の在り方に関して私に100%与えなければならない」と言うのを聞きました。そしてその瞬間、私にはそれができる、と分かりました。私は平和を得ました! 以前は経験したことのない平和の感じが、そこにはありました。私は、もし彼が私を呼んでおられるなら、それは一つの目的のためだと分かっていました。だから、私は全てを明け渡し、祭壇に進んだのです」

The following Sunday Akilah went to her brothers’ church. “The pastor was preaching a word that seemed to fit my situation all the way around. Every word out of his mouth pierced my heart. I started trembling. It was an overwhelming presence of the Lord. I could feel Him around me. I heard the Lord say to me ‘If you are going to come and walk with Me I need you to give Me 100 percent of who you are.’ And in that moment I realized that I could do it. I had peace! There was a sense of peace I had not experienced before. I knew that if He was calling me, it was for a purpose. So I surrendered all, and I went down to the altar.”


That day Akilah says she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. “I asked for his forgiveness. There were so many things I had done wrong and I wanted His forgiveness, and His acceptance and His love. So I definitely laid everything down on the table. He knew anyway. But I had to release it for myself.”


Akilah broke up with her girlfriend, stopped drinking and began a new life. “I felt like a new creature. I felt new. I felt refreshed. I felt like God was teaching me how to walk with Him. That meant daily prayer, daily study of the Word, fasting, everything just started evolving really quickly. “


Today Akilah is married and has two daughters. “It’s been a process of Him re-newing my mind. A daily process, an ongoing process of Him showing me His way and what it means to be a woman of God and what it means to be a wife, what it means to be a mom.”


“It’s just not possible to clean up your act on your own. You need God to show you how to do it. A lot of people say, ‘I want to get it right before I go to the Lord.’ But only the Lord can help you to be different. It takes His power to change you to want to be different. Only He can do that.”


[管理人注1]  ここに言う「祭壇」とは、物としての祭壇を意味するのでなく、カトリックの言葉で言うなら「自己奉献」、つまり神に自己の全てを明け渡して捧げることを意味していると思われます。


Altar call

Altar call は幾つかの福音派教会に於ける慣習で、そこではイエス・キリストに対する信仰を新たな霊的段階にまで深めたいと願う人たちが公けに前に出るよう招かれる。嘆願者たちが教会の建物の正面に据えられた祭壇の周りに集まったことが、この名の由来である。旧約聖書では祭壇は犠牲が捧げられた場所であった。すなわち「Altar call」という言葉は、信者が自分自身を神に「捧げる」ことと結びついている。ローマ人への手紙 12:1 に見るように。

An altar call is a tradition in some evangelical Christian churches in which those who wish to make a new spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ are invited to come forward publicly. It is so named because the supplicants gather at the altar located at the front of the church building. In the Old Testament, an altar was where sacrifices were made. So, the name "altar call" refers to a believer "offering" themselves on an altar to God, as in Romans 12:1:


I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.[1]

[管理人注2]  神の女性(a woman of God): この言い方はクリスティーン・ディクソンさんもしていた。

[管理人注3]  脱同性愛者の多くが《異口同音に》このようなことを言っています。そこで、私たちが考えなければならないことは何ですか。決まっています、それはこうです──


そうですよね? 明らかにそういうことになります。しかし現代に於いては、LGBT CJ の小笠原晋也氏のみならず、多くの司祭たちまでもが「科学的なマインド」に覆われているように思えます。


フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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