
脱同性愛者たちの証言 ルイス・デヘイスース

With God nothing is impossible.

拙訳、試訳。強調と〔 〕は私による付加。 注目ポイント1


証し - ルイス・デヘイスース

Testimony - Luis


Luis's Story


Luis DeJesus


My name is Luis. I grew up in New York City. I came from a dysfunctional, broken family. I was the youngest of five children and the only boy. As a child I always said I would never be like my father. I saw the way he hurt my mother as a result of having many women on the side. He was a womanizer. This really put a spirit of anger within me. I did not know that by professing that statement: “I will never be like my father” that my life would be changed and more damaged than I expected.


I grew up in the ghetto with my Junior High School friends. I felt safe around them, even though they did drugs and got into trouble. In spite of their bad decisions, they protected me. I had a friend die on top of me as a result of gun shots as we hung out in the city-parks. This was the scariest part of my childhood, but I believe it made me strong to the bad things of life.


I had a pretty good life considering I had one parent who did the job of two. I never did drugs, robbed anyone or was abused sexually. I was a pretty good kid with anger issues. I had a lot of hate, and I was trying to figure out who I was.


At 13, I had my first girl friend in Junior High School. I was with her all the way through the end of high school. This was serious. I was in love. Unfortunately, she broke off our relationship. I felt the pain, and such a broken heart. I was angry, and hurt by her action and her lack of trust. The next day she came over to see me and asked me to forgive her and forget what she said, but pride had settled in my spirit. My heart wanted to say yes, but my pride said no. I vowed I would never be put in that position of vulnerability again.


I went on to High School and dated many girls, but only thought of the one true love I had lost due to my selfish pride. I had girls falling in love with me, but I kept thinking about my first love. Therefore, my relationships did not last.


As a result of all that happened, I was still vulnerable. At the age of 18, I had my first homosexual experience. I did not understand why I had done this and sought help from the Catholic Church I attended. I went to confess to the priest and he told me to say three “our fathers” and four “hail Marys” and never come into this church again.


I became angry at God and the Church. I was hurt and scared. I ended up falling more into homosexual activity in addition to medicating myself with drugs. I did $300 worth of cocaine a day. I did that up through the age of 29. I got it free as I had friends who sold it. I medicated myself because I was ashamed of what I was doing, and I did not know how to escape. I wanted to go back to my old girlfriend but felt so dirty that I thought she would hate me if I told her about the homosexual sin I fell into. So I buried myself more in the sin and never told her.


I was in a long term relationship with a man, which was a nightmare. It was a relationship filled with perversion, drugs and drinking. I was a time bomb waiting to go off. At the age of 29, I cried out to God and said, “If you are real please help me. Either you are going to kill me or allow me to live.” I cursed God, screamed and yelled, and was on my knees crying. I told him he had five minutes to respond and give me a sign; otherwise, I would never pray to him again. He took three minutes.


I got a phone call from an estranged sister in Florida. She did not know what I was going through. She said that she was sitting and thinking and that I came into her mind and she wanted to know if I wanted to quit my job and move to Florida and start a new life. She knew nothing about me. I was at the end of my last unemployment check. I asked if I could call her back. I then got on my knees and asked God to forgive me for doubting him. I called her back and took her offer. At that time my life began to change. God became a tangible presence in my time of need. He showed up.


Prior to moving to Florida, I had never been in a Christian church. One day I was driving and pulled into a church off of Seminole Blvd. It was like they were expecting me. I was late and the service was already in progress. They showed me a seat and were very loving to me. As the pastor was speaking he stopped and said, “I have to interrupt my message as I just received a word of knowledge, and I have to be obedient to the Lord.” He said, “There is someone in this church that has recently come from hundreds of miles away and God showed up. He became real to you.” He continued, “You cried out to God as you were dealing with sexual perversion and you were involved in drugs. God heard your cry and brought you here. He wants you to testify to the congregation to tell them what he did, so please get up and testify now.”

私は怖れを感じました。私は「この教会はどうかしてる」と思いました。私は周りを見回し、震え始め、誰かが立ち上がることを望みました。誰も立ち上がりませんでした。私の隣にかなり高齢の婦人が坐っていましたが、彼女は私をつついて、「お若い方、あなたのことではないの? あなたは主には従わなければなりませんよ」と言うのでした。私は彼女を見、そして、彼女はどうかしているに違いないと思いました。牧師さんは執拗で、その婦人もまたそうでした。彼女が3度目に私をつついた時、私は緊張のあまり、ぐっしょりと汗をかいていました。「立ち上がって証ししてちょうだい!」と、彼女は再び言いました。

I was scared. I thought, “This church is nuts.” I looked around and started to shake and was hoping someone would stand up. No one did. There was this sweet old lady next to me and she nudged me and said, “Sonny boy, is that you? You must be obedient to the Lord.” I looked at her and thought she must be crazy. The pastor was persistent and so was the lady next to me. By the time she nudged me a third time, I was drenched in sweat because of my nerves. “Get up and testify!” she said again.


Finally, I responded, and got up. The pastor asked me to go to where he was standing in front of the congregation and tell my story. I did. It was the most amazing yet scariest thing that happened to me. Talk about fearing the Lord!

一週間後、1995年の7月、私はオーランド〔フロリダ〕のカルヴァリー・アセンブリー教会検索に行き始めました。私はキリストとの関係を始めました。私はまた、それより何年も後のことですが、「エクスチェンジ・ミニストリー」という名のエクソダス・グループ管理人注3に加わりました。そのグループや他のケア・グループを通して、また男性たちや女性たちとの健全な関係を通して、私に変容が起こり始めました。私は教会とつながり始めました。私は聖書研究に参加しました。私は奉仕し始めました。刑務所伝道ミニストリーにも加わり、オルター・ミニストリーにも加わりました。care pastor の訓練も受けました。私は基本的に、神が私を用いたいとお望みのどのような方法に於いても、神が私を用いることを許しました。そして私は、私の勝利に関して神に信頼しています。

A week later I began to go to Calvary Assembly in Orlando in July of 1995. I began a relationship with Christ. I also attended an Exodus group there called “Exchange Ministry” many years later. Through that group, other care groups, and through healthy relationships with men and women my transformation began to happen. I began to get connected with the church. I took part in Bible studies. I began to serve. I joined the jail ministry, and alter ministry. I took the care pastor training. I basically allowed God to use me in any way he wanted to use me, and I trusted him for my victory.

私は、神はその現存によって何でもお出来になると知りました。私には Twelve-step program は必要ありませんでした。私は、神の油注ぎが私の人生に入り、私を変えることを許しました。彼は私のぼろを取り出し、彼の栄光で私を冠しました。彼は私の人生の空虚な部分を満たし、私に目的を与えました。彼は、私を通して彼に栄光が帰されるよう、また彼が私に通らせた全ての事を通して彼に栄光が帰されるよう、彼の使用のために私を取り置きました。神は私を愛しています! このために、私は彼に永遠に感謝しています。

I learned that in his presence God can do anything. For me, I did not need a 12-step program. I allowed God’s anointing to come into my life and change me. He took off my rags and crowned me with his glory. He filled those empty places in my life and gave me purpose. I was set apart for his use that he may be glorified through me and all that he has brought me through. God Loves Me! For that I am forever grateful.

Luis DeJesus は1995年にフロリダに来た元ニューヨーカーです。彼は12年間にわたりカルヴァリー・アセンブリー教会のメンバーです。彼はカルヴァリーのアセンブリーで働いており、地元の刑務所伝道ミニストリーでも働いています。ルイスはまたエクスチェンジ・ミニストリーにも加わっており、性的に傷ついた人々に希望と癒しを提供しています。

Luis DeJesus is a former New Yorker who came to Florida in 1995. He has been a member of Calvary Assembly for 12 years. He serves in ministry at Calvary and also serves in a local jail ministry. Luis has also been involved in Exchange Ministries, offering hope and healing for the sexually wounded.

[管理人注1]  この証言は、まあ、一方的です。つまり、私たちは私たち自身の目でそれを見たわけではない。もしかすると、この出来事の中には彼が言っていない他の要素もあったのかも知れない。しかし、もしこの出来事が彼の言う通りのものであり、それ以上のものでないとしたら、あなたはこの司祭の対応は良いと思いますか?(愚問)

[管理人注2]  住所 1645 Seminole Blvd, Largo, FL の Crossroads Christian Church のことではないか。外観Facebook公式サイト

[管理人注3]  エクソダスとは「脱出」の意味。聖書の出エジプト記も同名。


フリーメイソンの雑誌『Humanisme』1968年11月/12月号 より

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