Publication list
Original research with peer review
- 65. Richardson, J.L., McCoy, E.P., Parlavecchio, N., Szykowny, R., Beech-Brown, E., Buijs, J.A., Buckley, J., Corrigan, R.M., Costa, F., DeLaney, R., Denny, R., Helms, L., Lee, W., Murray, M.H., Riegel, C., Souza, F.N., Ulrich, J., Why, A., and Kiyokawa, Y. (2025)
- Increasing rat numbers in cities are linked to climate warming, urbanization, and human population
- Science Advances, 11, eads6782. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ads6782
- 64. Suzuki, S., Ogasawara, H., Fujimoto, R., Kiyokawa, Y., and Takeuchi Y. (2024)
- Mounting exhibited between cows is not associated with sexual motivation
- Physiology & Behavior, 287, 114710. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2024.114710
- 63. Koizumi, R., Endo, T., Tanikawa, T., Hirata, S. and Kiyokawa, Y. (2024)
- Coexistence of roof rats and carnivores in barns on a livestock farm in Japan
- Animal Science Journal, 95, e13982. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1111/asj.13982
- 62. Kuroda, Y., Hotta, A., Taira, M., Kozumi, N., Tatemoto, K., Park, E.S., Virhuez-Mendoza, M., Yamamoto, T., Komatsu, N., Shibo, K., Sasaki, T., Mori, Y., Watanabe, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Eguchi, Y., Banzai, A., Katahira, H., Tanikawa, T., and Maeda, K. (2024)
- Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 infection in rodent populations in Tokyo, Japan
- Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, 77, 342-344. [Article]
- DOI: 10.7883/yoken.JJID.2024.143
- 61. Kiyokawa, Y., Ootaki, M., Kambe, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Kimura, G., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2024)
- Approach/avoidance behavior to novel objects is correlated with the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems in the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
- Neuroscience, 549, 110-120. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.05.003
- 60. Yamasaki, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Munetomo, A., and Takeuchi, Y. (2024)
- Naloxone increases conditioned fear responses during social buffering in male rats
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 59, 3256-3272. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1111/ejn.16343
- 59. Kiyokawa, Y., Tamogami, S., Ootaki, M., Kahl, E., Mayer, D., Fendt, M., Nagaoka, S., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2023)
- An appeasing pheromone ameliorates fear responses in the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
- iScience, 26, 107081. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107081
- 58. Lu, M.H., Uematsu, A., Kiyokawa, Y. Emoto, K. and Takeuchi, Y. (2023)
- Glutamatergic projections from the posterior complex of the anterior olfactory nucleus to the amygdala complexes
- Neuroscience, 521, 102-109. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2023.04.024
- 57. Kobayashi-Sakashita, M., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2023)
- Parallel olfactory systems synergistically activate the posteroventral part of the medial amygdala upon alarm pheromone detection in rats
- Neuroscience, 521, 123-133. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2023.04.019
- 56. Parsons, M.H., Stryjek, R., Bebas, P., Fendt, M., Blumstein, D.T., Kiyokawa, Y., Chrzanowski, M., and Munshi-South, J. (2023)
- Why are predator cues in the field not more evocative? A 'real world' assay elicits subtle, but meaningful, responses by wild rodents to predator scents
- Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1054568. [Article]
- DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1054568
- 55. Kiyokawa, Y., Kuroda, N. and Takeuchi, Y. (2022)
- The strain of unfamiliar conspecifics affects stress identification in rats
- Behavioural Processes, 201, 104714. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2022.104714
- 54. Murata-Kobayashi, N., Kuze-Arata, S., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2022)
- Attention towards a handler in behavioural tests contributes to low 'Distraction' in guide dogs
- Applied Animal Behavioural Science, 247, 105564. [ScienceDirect]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2022.105564
- 53. Zhang, X., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2022)
- Mapping of c-Fos expression in the medial amygdala following social buffering in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 422, 113746. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2022.113746
- 52. Parsons, M.H., Richardson, J.L., Kiyokawa, Y., Stryjek, R., Corrigan, R.M., Deutsch, M.A., Ootaki, M., Tanikawa, T., Parsons, F.E., and Munshi-South, J. (2021)
- Rats and the COVID-19 pandemic: considering the influence of social distancing on a global commensal pest
- Journal of Urban Ecology, 7, juab027. [article]
- DOI: 10.1093/jue/juab027
- 51. Kogo, H., Maeda, N., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2021)
- Rats do not consider all unfamiliar strains to be equivalent
- Behavioural Processes, 190, 104457. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2021.104457
- 50. Kiyokawa, Y., Tanikawa, T., Ootaki, M. and Parsons, M. (2022)
- Social distancing measures differentially affected rats in North America and Tokyo
- Journal of Pest Science, 95, 79-86. [article]
- DOI: 10.1007/s10340-021-01405-z
- 49. Kiyokawa, Y., Koizumi, R., Yamada, R., Hijikata, M., Kimura, G., Tanaka, K.D., Takeuchi, Y., and Tanikawa, T. (2021)
- Records of rat control campaigns in a food market with the largest seafood trading volume worldwide
- Urban Ecosystems, 24, 1011-1021. [article]
- DOI: 10.1007/s11252-021-01095-6
- 48. Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Kimura, G., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2021)
- Existence of wild brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) that are indifferent to novel objects
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 83, 78-83. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.20-0568
- 47. Yamada, R., Kuze-Arata, S., Kiyokawa, Y., and Takeuchi, Y. (2020)
- Prevalence of 17 feline behavioral problems and relevant factors of each behavior in Japan
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 82, 272-278. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.19-0519
- 46. Mikami, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Ishii, A. and Takeuchi, Y. (2020)
- Social buffering enhances extinction of conditioned fear responses by reducing corticosterone levels in male rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 118, 104654. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2019.104654
- 45. Minami, S., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2019)
- The lateral intercalated cell mass of the amygdala is activated during social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 372, 112065. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112065
- 44. Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Tanikawa, T., and Takeuchi, Y. (2019)
- Novel objects elicit greater activation in the basolateral complex of the amygdala of wild rats compared with laboratory rats
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 81, 1121-1128. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.19-0040
- 43. Yamada, R., Kuze-Arata, S., Kiyokawa, Y., and Takeuchi, Y. (2019)
- Prevalence of 25 canine behavioral problems and relevant factors of each behavior in Japan
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 81, 1090-1096. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.18-0705
- 42. Kiyokawa, Y., Li, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2019)
- A dyad shows mutual changes during social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 366, 45-55. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.03.024
- 41. Kiyokawa, Y., Kawai, K. and Takeuchi, Y. (2018)
- The benefits of social buffering are maintained regardless of the stress level of the subject rat and enhanced by more conspecifics
- Physiology & Behavior, 194, 177-183. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2018.05.027
- 40. Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Mikami, K., Ishii, A., Tanaka, K.D., Tanikawa, T., and Takeuchi, Y. (2018)
- Structural differences in the brain between wild and laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus): Potential contribution to wariness
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 80, 1054-1060. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.18-0052
- 39. Kiyokawa, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Ishii, A., Mikami, K., Katayama, M., Koizumi, R., Minami, S., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2017)
- Two strains of roof rats as effective models for assessing new-object reaction
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 79, 702-708 [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.17-0002
- 38. Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2017)
- Social buffering ameliorates conditioned fear responses in the presence of an auditory conditioned stimulus
- Physiology & Behavior, 168, 34-40. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.10.020
- 37. Kiyokawa, Y., Takahashi, D., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- The right central amygdala shows greater activation in response to an auditory conditioned stimulus in male rats
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 78, 1563-1568. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.16-0255
- 36. Nakamura, K., Ishii, A., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- The strain of an accompanying conspecific affects the efficacy of social buffering in male rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 82, 72-77. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.05.003
- 35. Mikami, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Social buffering enhances extinction of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 163, 123-128. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.05.001
- 34. Ishii, A., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Social buffering ameliorates conditioned fear responses in female rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 81, 53-58. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.03.003
- 33. Kiyokawa, Y., Ishida, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Sustained housing-type social buffering following social housing in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 158, 85-89. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.02.040
- 32. Muyama, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Inagaki, H., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Alarm pheromone does not modulate 22-kHz calls in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 156, 59-63. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.01.009
- 31. Breitfeld, T., Bruning, J. E., Inagaki, H., Takeuchi, Y., Kiyokawa, Y. and Fendt, M. (2015)
- Temporary inactivation of the anterior part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis blocks alarm pheromone-induced defensive behavior in rats
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 321. [PubMed] 3.398
- DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00321
- 30. Kiyokawa, Y., Mikami, K., Mikamura, Y., Ishii, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2015)
- The 3-second auditory conditioned stimulus is a more effective stressor than the 20-second auditory conditioned stimulus in male rats
- Neuroscience, 299, 79-87. [PubMed] 3.231
- DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.04.055
- 29. Fuzzo, F., Matsumoto, J., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Ono, T. and Nishijo, H. (2015)
- Social buffering suppresses fear-associated activation of the lateral amygdala in male rats: behavioral and neurophysiological evidence
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 99. [PubMed] 3.398
- DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00099
- 28. Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2015)
- Neural correlates underlying naloxone-induced amelioration of sexual behavior deterioration due to an alarm pheromone
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 52. [PubMed] 3.398
- DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00052
- 27. Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Tamogami, S., Watanabe, H., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2014)
- Identification of a pheromone that increases anxiety in rats
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 18751-18756. [PubMed] 9.674
- DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1414710112
- 26. Kiyokawa, Y., Honda, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2014)
- A familiar conspecific is more effective than an unfamiliar conspecific for social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 267, 189-193. [PubMed] 3.028
- DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.03.043
- 25. Kiyokawa, Y., Hiroshima, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2014)
- Social buffering reduces male rats' behavioral and corticosterone responses to a conditioned stimulus
- Hormones and Behavior, 65, 114-118. [PubMed] 4.632
- DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2013.12.005
- 24. Kiyokawa, Y., Kodama, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Physical interaction is not necessary for the induction of housing-type social buffering of conditioned hyperthermia in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 256, 414-419. [PubMed]3.391
- DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2013.08.037
- 23. Kiyokawa, Y., Kodama, Y. Kubota, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Alarm pheromone is detected by the vomeronasal organ in male rats
- Chemical Senses, 38, 661-668. [PubMed] 3.278
- DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjt030
- 22. Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Arata, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Naloxone blocks the deterioration of male sexual behavior induced by alarm pheromone in rats
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 75, 761-765. [PubMed]0.875
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.12-0454
- 21. Takahashi, Y., Kiyokawa, Y., Kodama, Y., Arata, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Olfactory signals mediate social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 240, 46-51. [PubMed] 3.391
- DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2012.11.017
- 20. Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Arata, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- C-Fos expression during the modulation of sexual behavior by an alarm pheromone
- Behavioural Brain Research, 237, 230-237. [PubMed] 3.391
- DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2012.09.042
- 19. Kobayashi, N., Arata, S., Hattori, A., Kohara, Y., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Association of puppies’ behavioral reaction at five months of age assessed by questionnaire with their later 'Distraction' at 15 months of age, an important behavioral trait for guide dog qualification
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 75, 63-67. [Pubmed]0.875
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.12-0148
- 18. Kiyokawa, Y., Wakabayashi, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2012)
- The neural pathway underlying social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 3429-3437. [PubMed] 3.753
- DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2012.08257.x
- 17. Goto, A., Arata, S., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2012)
- Risk factors for canine tail chasing behaviour in Japan
- Veterinary Journal, 192, 445-448. [PubMed] 2.424
- DOI: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2011.09.004
- 16. Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2012)
- Male rats respond to their own alarm pheromone
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 74, 79-82. [PubMed] 0.876
- DOI: 10.1292/jvms.11-0225
- 15. Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2011)
- Pretreatment with CP-154526 blocks the modifying effects of alarm pheromone on components of sexual behavior in male, but not in female, rats
- Chemical Senses, 36, 623-632. [PubMed] 2.599
- DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjr017
- 14. Kodama, Y., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2011)
- Twelve hours is sufficient for social buffering of conditioned hyperthermia
- Physiology & Behavior, 102, 188-192. [PubMed] 2.869
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2010.10.025
- 13. Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2010)
- The alarm pheromone in male rats as a unique anxiety model: Psychopharmacological evidence using anxiolytics
- Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 94, 575-579. [PubMed] 2.624
- DOI: 10.1016/j.pbb.2009.11.013
- 12. Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y. (2009)
- Main olfactory system mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 777-785. [PubMed] 3.418
- DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06618.x
- 11. Inagaki, H., Nakamura, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2009)
- The volatility of an alarm pheromone in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 96, 749-752. [PubMed] 3.295
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2008.12.006
- 10. Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2008)
- Enhancement of the acoustic startle reflex by an alarm pheromone in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 93, 606-611. [PubMed] 2.806
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2007.10.021
- 9. Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2007)
- Two types of social buffering differentially mitigate conditioned fear responses
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 3606-3613. [PubMed] 3.673
- DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05969.x
- 8. Kikusui, T., Kiyokawa, Y. and Mori, Y. (2007)
- Deprivation of mother-pup interaction by early-weaning alters myelin formation in male, but not female, ICR mice
- Brain Research, 1133, 115-122. [PubMed] 2.218
- DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2006.11.031
- 7. Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2007)
- Removal of the vomeronasal organ blocks the stress-induced hyperthermia response to alarm pheromone in male rats
- Chemical Senses, 32, 57-64. [PubMed]1.896
- DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjl036
- 6. Kiyokawa, Y., Shimozuru, M., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2006)
- Alarm pheromone increases defensive and risk assessment behaviors in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 87, 383-387. [PubMed]2.445
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2005.11.003
- 5. Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2005)
- Alarm pheromone that aggravates stress-induced hyperthermia is soluble in water
- Chemical Senses, 30, 513-519. [PubMed]2.506
- DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bji044
- 4. Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2005)
- Mapping the neural circuit activated by alarm pheromone perception by c-Fos immunohistochemistry
- Brain Research, 1043, 145-154. [PubMed]2.296
- DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2005.02.061
- 3. Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2004)
- Partner's stress status influences social buffering effects in rats
- Behavioral Neuroscience, 118, 798-804. [PubMed]2.819
- DOI: 10.1037/0735-7044.118.4.798
- 2. Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2004)
- Alarm pheromones with different functions are released from different regions of the body surface of male rats
- Chemical Senses, 29, 35-40. [PubMed]2.594
- DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjh004
- 1. Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2004)
- Modulatory role of testosterone in alarm pheromone release by male rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 45, 122-127. [PubMed]3.649
- DOI: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2003.09.007
Reviews and book chapters
- 8. Stryjek, R., Parsons, M.P., Blumstein, D.T., Fendt, M., and Kiyokawa, Y. (2024)
- Editorial: Trends toward naturalistic, field assays with free-ranging animals as contemporary alternatives to laboratory models
- Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 1455394. [Article]
- DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1455394
7. Parsons, M.H., Stryjek, R., Fendt, M., Kiyokawa, Y., Bebas, P. and Blumstein, D.T. (2023)
Making a case for the free exploratory paradigm: Animal welfare-friendly assays that enhance heterozygosity and ecological validity
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 1228478. [Article]
DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1228478
- 6. Kiyokawa, Y. (2021)
- Did COVID-19 affect rodents in your country?
- FAOPMA Magazine, 2021 January, 46-48. [Article]
- 5. Fendt, M., Parsons, M.H., Apfelbach, R., Carthey, A.J.R., Dickman, C.R., Endres, T., Frank, A.S.K., Heinz, D.E., Jones, M.E., Kiyokawa, Y., Kreutzmann, J.C., Roelofs, K., Schneider, M., Sulger, J., Wotjak, C.T. and Blumstein, D.T. (2020)
- Context and trade-offs characterize real-world threat detection systems: A review and comprehensive framework to improve research practice and resolve the translational crisis
- Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 115, 25-33. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.05.002
- 4. Kiyokawa, Y. (2018)
- Relief provided by conspecifics: Social buffering
- in: Meyza, K., Knapska, E. (Eds.), Neuronal Correlates of Empathy.
- Academic Press Inc., London, 214 pages (pp. 137-149).
- 3. Kiyokawa, Y. and Hennessy, M. (2018)
- Comparative studies of social buffering: A consideration of approaches, terminology, and pitfalls
- Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 86, 131-141. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.12.005
- 2. Kiyokawa, Y. (2017)
- Social Odors: Alarm Pheromones and Social Buffering
- Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 30, 47-65. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.1007/7854_2015_406
- 1. Fendt, M., Kiyokawa, Y. and Endres, T. (2016)
- Editorial: Scents that Matter—from Olfactory Stimuli to Genes, Behaviors and Beyond
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 29. [PubMed]
- DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00029
- 19. 清川泰志 (2024)
- ラットの警報フェロモンと安寧フェロモン
- 日本神経回路学会誌, 31, 55-62.
- 18. 清川泰志 (2024)
- ラットとドブネズミの恐怖を緩和する安寧フェロモンの同定
- ペストコントロール, 205, 24-29.
- 17. 清川泰志 (2023)
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策が東京23区とニューヨークのねずみに与えた影響
- 生活と環境, 68, 4-7.
- 16. 横須賀誠、清川泰志 (2023)
- 6章 種内コミュニケーション
- 脳とホルモンの行動学 第2版
- 近藤保彦・小川園子・菊水健史・山田一夫・富原一哉・塚原伸治 編、西村出版、364ページ
- 15. 清川泰志 (2022)
- 日本の牧場にいるネズミの調査
- ねずみ情報, 86, 15-18.
- 14. 清川泰志 (2021)
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策がねずみに与えた影響
- ねずみ情報, 84, 1-4.
- 13. 清川泰志 (2021)
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策がねずみに与えた影響
- Pest Control Tokyo, 81, 73-76.
- 12. 大瀧真門、清川泰志 (2020)
- 土地ごとにドブネズミの警戒心が異なる仕組み〜生育環境と性格の関連についての研究紹介〜
- ねずみ情報, 82, 8-13.
- 11. 清川泰志 (2020)
- 2-14 田舎のネズミと街のネズミ
- 衛生動物の事典
- 津田良夫・安居院宣昭・谷川力・夏秋優・林利彦・平林公男・山内健生 編、朝倉出版、440ページ(192-193)
- 10. 清川泰志、武内ゆかり (2017)
- ソロモンの指環を手に入れよう
- Aroma Research, 18, 332-333.
- 9. 清川泰志 (2017)
- 警戒心の神経メカニズム解明に向けて
- ねずみ情報, 76, 1-4.
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since 2001.3.1