with APOPO's HeroRAT@Morogoro, Tanzania
A definition of social buffering and potential pitfalls were summarized in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.
Research Interest
I aim to understand animals' mode of life by analyses at the individual level. Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) are one of the wild animals that have coexisted with human populations for thousands of years. In addition, laboratory rats, domesticated brown rats, are one of the major experimental animals in the world. However, surprisingly, little is known about their mode of life. I am currently studying both laboratory rats and wild brown rats to understand their social lives.
In laboratory rats, I focus on two chemical communications. One is the "alarm pheromone" that is released by stressed rats and augments anxiety responses in others. The other is the appeasing pheromone that induces "social buffering," a phenomenon in which the presence of affiliative conspecifics mitigates a variety of stress responses in others. These communications may be the basis for the social lives of wild brown rats.
In wild brown rats, I am studying "neophobia," the avoidance of novel objects and/or familiar objects moved to a novel position. This behavior enables wild brown rats to avoid danger, including traps and rodenticides, in their lives. In addition, because they are a major pest, we can obtain the records of culling campaigns and complaints from collaborating pest management companies and associations (e.g., the record of campaigns in Tsukiji Market). These data provide information about the ecological dynamics of the target population.
Even today, brown rats are one of the major risks to public health and livestock industries. Therefore, the analyses of brown rats' mode of life would be a contribution to society from the field of veterinary medicine and animal life science.
1996Apr.-2002Mar. | DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine),
Department of Veterinary Medical Science, The University of Tokyo |
2002Apr.-2006Mar. | PhD,
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo |
Academic appointments
2005Apr.-2007Mar. | Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2),
Laboratory of Veterinary Ethology, The University of Tokyo |
2007Apr.-2010Mar. | Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (PD),
Laboratory of Veterinary Physiology, The University of Tokyo |
2010Apr.-2019Mar. | Assistant Professor,
Laboratory of Veterinary Ethology, The University of Tokyo |
2019Apr.-Present | Associate Professor,
Laboratory of Veterinary Ethology, The University of Tokyo |
Alarming communication project
- Kobayashi-Sakashita, M., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2023)
- Parallel olfactory systems synergistically activate the posteroventral part of the medial amygdala upon alarm pheromone detection in rats
- Neuroscience, 521, 123-133. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kuroda, N. and Takeuchi, Y. (2022)
- The strain of unfamiliar conspecifics affects stress identification in rats
- Behavioural Processes, 201, 104714. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y. (2017)
- Social Odors: Alarm Pheromones and Social Buffering
- Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 30, 47-65. [PubMed]
- Muyama, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Inagaki, H., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Alarm pheromone does not modulate 22-kHz calls in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 156, 59-63. [PubMed]
- Breitfeld, T., Bruning, J. E., Inagaki, H., Takeuchi, Y., Kiyokawa, Y. and Fendt, M. (2015)
- Temporary inactivation of the anterior part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis blocks alarm pheromone-induced defensive behavior in rats
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 321. [PubMed]
- Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2015)
- Neural correlates underlying naloxone-induced amelioration of sexual behavior deterioration due to an alarm pheromone
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 52. [PubMed]
- Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Tamogami, S., Watanabe, H., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2014)
- Identification of a pheromone that increases anxiety in rats
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 18751-18756. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kodama, Y. Kubota, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Alarm pheromone is detected by the vomeronasal organ in male rats
- Chemical Senses, 38, 661-668. [PubMed]
- Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Arata, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Naloxone blocks the deterioration of male sexual behavior induced by alarm pheromone in rats
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 75, 761-765. [PubMed]
- Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Arata, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- C-Fos expression during the modulation of sexual behavior by an alarm pheromone
- Behavioural Brain Research, 237, 230-237. [PubMed]
- Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2012)
- Male rats respond to their own alarm pheromone
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 74, 79-82. [PubMed]
- Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2011)
- Pretreatment with CP-154526 blocks the modifying effects of alarm pheromone on components of sexual behavior in male, but not in female, rats
- Chemical Senses, 36, 623-632. [PubMed]
- Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2010)
- The alarm pheromone in male rats as a unique anxiety model: Psychopharmacological evidence using anxiolytics
- Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 94, 575-579. [PubMed]
- Inagaki, H., Nakamura, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2009)
- The volatility of an alarm pheromone in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 96, 749-752. [PubMed]
- Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2008)
- Enhancement of the acoustic startle reflex by an alarm pheromone in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 93, 606-611. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2007)
- Removal of the vomeronasal organ blocks the stress-induced hyperthermia response to alarm pheromone in male rats
- Chemical Senses, 32, 57-64. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Shimozuru, M., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2006)
- Alarm pheromone increases defensive and risk assessment behaviors in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 87, 383-387. [PubMed]
This study was featured in Understanding Animal Welfare (by David Fraser)
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2005)
- Alarm pheromone that aggravates stress-induced hyperthermia is soluble in water
- Chemical Senses, 30, 513-519. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2005)
- Mapping the neural circuit activated by alarm pheromone perception by c-Fos immunohistochemistry
- Brain Research, 1043, 145-154. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2004)
- Alarm pheromones with different functions are released from different regions of the body surface of male rats
- Chemical Senses, 29, 35-40. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2004)
- Modulatory role of testosterone in alarm pheromone release by male rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 45, 122-127. [PubMed]
Appeasing communication project
- Yamasaki, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Munetomo, A., and Takeuchi, Y. (2024)
- Naloxone increases conditioned fear responses during social buffering in male rats
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 59, 3256-3272. [Article]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Tamogami, S., Ootaki, M., Kahl, E., Mayer, D., Fendt, M., Nagaoka, S., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2023)
- An appeasing pheromone ameliorates fear responses in the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
- iScience, 26, 107081. [Article]
- Lu, M.H., Uematsu, A., Kiyokawa, Y., Emoto, K. and Takeuchi, Y. (2023)
- Glutamatergic projections from the posterior complex of the anterior olfactory nucleus to the amygdala complexes
- Neuroscience, 521, 102-109. [PubMed]
- Zhang, X., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2022)
- Mapping of c-Fos expression in the medial amygdala following social buffering in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 422, 113746. [PubMed]
- Kogo, H., Maeda, N., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2021)
- Rats do not consider all unfamiliar strains to be equivalent
- Behavioural Processes, 190, 104457. [PubMed]
- Mikami, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Ishii, A. and Takeuchi, Y. (2020)
- Social buffering enhances extinction of conditioned fear responses by reducing corticosterone levels in male rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 118, 104654. [PubMed]
- Minami, S., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2019)
- The lateral intercalated cell mass of the amygdala is activated during social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 372, 112065. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Li, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2019)
- A dyad shows mutual changes during social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 366, 45-55. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kawai, K. and Takeuchi, Y. (2018)
- The benefits of social buffering are maintained regardless of the stress level of the subject rat and enhanced by
more conspecifics
- Physiology & Behavior, 194, 177-183. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y. and Hennessy, M. (2018)
- Comparative studies of social buffering: A consideration of approaches, terminology, and pitfalls
- Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 86, 131-141. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y. (2017)
- Social Odors: Alarm Pheromones and Social Buffering
- Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 30, 47-65. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y. (2017)
- Social buffering ameliorates conditioned fear responses in the presence of an auditory conditioned stimulus
- Physiology & Behavior, 168, 34-40. [PubMed]
- Nakamura, K., Ishii, A., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- The strain of an accompanying conspecific affects the efficacy of social buffering in male rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 82, 72-77. [PubMed]
- Mikami, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Social buffering enhances extinction of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 163, 123-128. [PubMed]
- Ishii, A., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Social buffering ameliorates conditioned fear responses in female rats
- Hormones and Behavior, 81, 53-58. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Ishida, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2016)
- Sustained housing-type social buffering following social housing in male rats
- Physiology & Behavior, 158, 85-89. [PubMed]
- Fuzzo, F., Matsumoto, J., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Ono, T. and Nishijo, H. (2015)
- Social buffering suppresses fear-associated activation of the lateral amygdala in male rats: behavioral and neurophysiological evidence
- Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 99. [Open Access]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Honda, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2014)
- A familiar conspecific is more effective than an unfamiliar conspecific for social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 267, 189-193. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Hiroshima, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2014)
- Social buffering reduces male rats' behavioral and corticosterone responses to a conditioned stimulus
- Hormones and Behavior, 65, 114-118. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kodama, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Physical interaction is not necessary for the induction of housing-type social buffering of conditioned hyperthermia in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 256, 414-419. [PubMed]
- Takahashi, Y., Kiyokawa, Y., Kodama, Y., Arata, S., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2013)
- Olfactory signals mediate social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- Behavioural Brain Research, 240, 46-51. [PubMed]
This study was featured in the Wall Street Journal (2013.01.22, Calming odors)
- Kiyokawa, Y., Wakabayashi, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2012)
- The neural pathway underlying social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 3429-3437. [PubMed]
- Kodama, Y., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2011)
- Twelve hours is sufficient for social buffering of conditioned hyperthermia
- Physiology & Behavior, 102, 188-192. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y. (2009)
- Main olfactory system mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 777-785. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2007)
- Two types of social buffering differentially mitigate conditioned fear responses
- European Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 3606-3613. [PubMed]
This study was featured in The Lab Rat Chronicles (by Kelly Lambert)
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y. (2004)
- Partner's stress status influences social buffering effects in rats
- Behavioral Neuroscience, 118, 798-804. [PubMed]
This study was featured in the APA Monitor on Psychology Volume 35 (8), 24-25, Sep. 2004 (American Psychological Association)
Wild rats project
- Richardson, J.L., McCoy, E.P., Parlavecchio, N., Szykowny, R., Beech-Brown, E., Buijs, J.A., Buckley, J., Corrigan, R.M., Costa, F., DeLaney, R., Denny, R., Helms, L., Lee, W., Murray, M.H., Riegel, C., Souza, F.N., Ulrich, J., Why, A., and Kiyokawa, Y. (in press)
- Increasing rat numbers in cities are linked to climate warming, urbanization, and human population
- Science Advances
- Koizumi, R., Endo, T., Tanikawa, T., Hirata, S. and Kiyokawa, Y. (2024)
- Coexistence of roof rats and carnivores in barns on a livestock farm in Japan
- Animal Science Journal, 95, e13982. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1111/asj.13982
- Kuroda, Y., Hotta, A., Taira, M., Kozumi, N., Tatemoto, K., Park, E.S., Virhuez-Mendoza, M., Yamamoto, T., Komatsu, N., Shibo, K., Sasaki, T., Mori, Y., Watanabe, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Eguchi, Y., Banzai, A., Katahira, H., Tanikawa, T., and Maeda, K. (2024)
- Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 infection in rodent populations in Tokyo, Japan
- Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases, 77, 342-344. [Article]
- DOI: 10.7883/yoken.JJID.2024.143
- Kiyokawa, Y., Ootaki, M., Kambe, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Kimura, G., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2024)
- Approach/avoidance behavior to novel objects is correlated with the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems in the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
- Neuroscience, 549, 110-120. [Article]
- DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.05.003
- Parsons, M.H., Stryjek, R., Bebas, P., Fendt, M., Blumstein, D.T., Kiyokawa, Y., Chrzanowski, M., and Munshi-South, J. (2023)
- Why are predator cues in the field not more evocative? A 'real world' assay elicits subtle, but meaningful, responses by wild rodents to predator scents
- Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1054568. [Article]
- Parsons, M.H., Richardson, J.L., Kiyokawa, Y., Stryjek, R., Corrigan, R.M., Deutsch, M.A., Ootaki, M., Tanikawa, T., Parsons, F.E., and Munshi-South, J. (2021)
- Rats and the COVID-19 pandemic: considering the influence of social distancing on a global commensal pest
- Journal of Urban Ecology, 7, juab027. [article]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Tanikawa, T., Ootaki, M. and Parsons, M. (2022)
- Social distancing measures differentially affected rats in North America and Tokyo
- Journal of Pest Science, 95, 79-86. [article]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Koizumi, R., Yamada, R., Hijikata, M., Kimura, G., Tanaka, K.D., Takeuchi, Y. and Tanikawa, T. (2021)
- Records of rat control campaigns in a food market with the largest seafood trading volume worldwide
- Urban Ecosystems, 24, 1011-1021. [article]
- Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Kimura, G., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2021)
- Existence of wild brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) that are indifferent to novel objects
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 83, 78-83. [PubMed]
- Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Tanikawa, T., and Takeuchi, Y. (2019)
- Novel objects elicit greater activation in the basolateral complex of the amygdala of wild rats compared with laboratory rats
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 81, 1121-1128. [PubMed]
- Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Mikami, K., Ishii, A., Tanaka, K.D., Tanikawa, T., and Takeuchi, Y. (2018)
- Structural differences in the brain between wild and laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus): Potential contribution to wariness
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 80, 1054-1060. [PubMed]
- Kiyokawa, Y., Tanaka, K.D., Ishii, A., Mikami, K., Katayama, M., Koizumi, R., Minami, S., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y. (2017)
- Two strains of roof rats as effective models for assessing new-object reaction
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 79, 702-708 [PubMed]
Presentation in the international meetings
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Wild rats as an individual and as a group
- Workshop on Sustainable Management of Urban Rats
- Berlin, Germany, 2024.09.26 ポスター
- Nagaoka, S., Kiyokawa, Y., Tanikawa, T., Tanaka, K.D., Takeda, K., and Ishizuka, M.
- Comparisons of dominant species of rodents and their resistance factors to anticoagulant rodenticides between Japan, the United states, and Europe
- The 27th International Congress of Entomology
- Symposium: "A new era of pest management, new approaches from innovative methods"
- Kyoto, Japan, 2024.08.30 口頭 14-21-01
- Kiyokawa, Y., Tamogami, S., Ootaki, M., Kahl, E., Mayer, D., Fendt, M., Nagaoka, S., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y.
- An appeasing pheromone ameliorates fear responses in both laboratory rats and wild brown rats
- The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Hakata, Japan, 2024.07.26 ポスター 3P-232
- Yamasaki, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Munetomo, A. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Attempts to identify the sites of opioid action in social buffering of conditioned fear responses in rats
- The 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Hakata, Japan, 2024.07.24 ポスター 1P-222
- Kiyokawa, Y., Tamogami, S., Ootaki, M., Kahl, E., Mayer, D., Fendt, M., Nagaoka, S., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Identification of an appeasing pheromone that ameliorates fear responses in laboratory and wild brown rats
- The 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Panama City, Panama, 2024.06.14 ポスター #104
- Kobayashi-Sakashita, M., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Fendt, M.
- Tracer analysis on the connection upon the detection of the alarm pheromone in rats
- The 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Panama City, Panama, 2024.06.13 ポスター #37
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Social buffering of conditioned fear responses in rats: Relief provided by conspecifics
- Society for Social Neuroscience 2024 meeting
- Symposium: "A cross-species pespective on how the emotional state of others influences the state and decisions of observers"
- Tsukuba, Japan, 2024.03.27 口頭
- Maeda, N., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Exploring the neurochemical background of strain preference in rats
- The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Sendai, Japan, 2023.08.02 ポスター 2Pa-146
- Kobayashi-Sakashita, M., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Role of the posteroventral part of the medial amygdala in the neural mechanism of the alarm pheromone in rats
- The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Sendai, Japan, 2023.08.02 ポスター 2Pm-054
- Yamasaki, T., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Exploring neurochemical background of social buffering of conditioned fear responses in rats
- The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Sendai, Japan, 2023.08.01 ポスター 1Pm-125
- Kiyokawa, Y., Yamasaki, T., Maeda, N. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Opioids mediate ingroup favoritism in rats
- The 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2023.06.28 ポスター 175
- Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Endo, T., Tanikawa, T. and Hirata, S.
- Circadian activity pattern of rats living in livestock farm
- -17th Rodens et Spatium- International Conference on Rodent Biology
- Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain, 2023.05.25 口頭
- Kiyokawa, Y., Nakamura, K., Kogo, H., Kuroda, N., Maeda, N. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Existence of ingroup favoritism based on strain in male rats
- Neuroscience 2022: Society for Neuroscience annual meeting
- San Diego, California, USA, 2022.11.14 ポスター 393.21
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kogo, H., Kuroda, N. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Rats do not consider all unfamiliar strains equivalent
- The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro2022)
- Okinawa, Japan/Hybrid, 2022.07.02 ポスター 3P-125
- Kiyokawa, Y..
- Volatile pheromones that enable rats to avoid danger and search for safety
- Workshop: "The power of scents: Olfactory research from innovation to application & validation"
- Morogoro, Tanzania, 2022.06.21 口頭
- Lu, M.H., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Analyses of the Posterior complex of the Anterior Olfactory Nucleus Projections Associated with Rat Social Buffering
- The 30th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico/Hybrid, 2021.06.03 Poster 106 ポスター
- Kobayashi, M., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- The integration site of two olfactory systems upon the detection of the alarm pheromone in rats
- The 30th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico/Hybrid, 2021.06.03 Poster 102 ポスター
- Lu, M.H., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Possible participation of the posteroventral medial amygdala in rat social buffering
- NTU-UTokyo Veterinary Medicine Online Symposium
- Online, 2020.12.09 口頭
- Zhang, X., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- The possible contribution of the medial amygdala to social buffering of conditioned fear responses in rats
- The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Online, 2020.07.31 ポスター 3P-190
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Alarm and appeasing pheromones in rats
- The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Symposium: "Neurobiology of emotional communication in rodents"
- Niigata, Japan, 2019.07.26 2S06m-1 口頭
- Kiyokawa, Y..
- Social buffering of stress responses: A possible measure of affiliation to the accompanying animal
- Conference Neurobiology of empathy [Website]
- Warsaw, Poland, 2018.09.10 口頭
- Koizumi, R., Kiyokawa, Y., Tanaka, K., Tanikawa, T. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Behavioral neuroscientific analysis on new-object reaction in wild brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
- The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kobe, Japan, 2018.07.26 2P-183 ポスター
- Kiyokawa, Y., Minami, S. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Functional mapping of the intercalated cell masses of the amygdala during social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kobe, Japan, 2018.07.26 1P-319 ポスター
- Kiyokawa, Y., Minami, S. and Takeuchi, Y.
- The role of lateral intercalated cell masses of the amygdala in social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 27th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Boca Raton, Florida, USA, Jun. 2018
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Alarm and appeasing pheromones in rats
- The 26th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Hiroshima, Japan, Jun. 2017
- Minami, S., Kiyokawa, Y. and Takeuchi, Y.
- Neural correlates of social buffering in male rats
- The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Yokohama, Japan, Jul. 2016
- Kiyokawa, Y., Nakamura, K., Ishii, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Strains of an accompanying conspecific affect the efficacy of social buffering in male rats
- The 25th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2016
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Social Odors: Alarm Pheromones and Social Buffering
- 2016 NPUST-UT Bilateral Conference
- Pingtung, Taiwan, May 2016
- Mikami, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Social buffering enhances fear extinction in male rats
- The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Hyogo, Japan, Jul. 2015
- Kiyokawa, Y., Mikami, K., Mikamura, Y., Ishii, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Characterization of fear response caused by a 3-second auditory conditioned stimulus in male rats
- The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Hyogo, Japan, Jul. 2015
Kiyokawa, Y., Mikami, K., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
Social buffering enhances extinction of fear response in male rats
The 24th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Jun. 2015
- Breitfeld, T., Bruning, J., Kiyokawa, Y., and Fendt, M.
- Alarm pheromone-induced defensive behavior in rats: role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
- 11th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society
- Göttingen, Germany, Mar. 2015
- Mikami, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Effect of social buffering on fear extinction in male rats
- The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kanagawa, Japan, Sep. 2014
- Takahashi, D., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Auditory conditioned stimulus asymmetrically activates central amygdala in male rats
- The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kanagawa, Japan, Sep. 2014
Kiyokawa, Y., Inagaki, H., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
An alarm pheromone in rats
The 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Jun. 2014
- Kiyokawa, Y., Honda, A., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- A familiar conspecific is more effective in social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Malahide, County Dublin, Ireland, Jun. 2013
- Mikami, K., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Characterization of fear extinction using 3-sec auditory conditioned stimulus in male rats
- The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2013
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Social buffering as a novel way to suppress fear responses
- The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2013
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Olfactory signals mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 10th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception
- Fukuoka, Japan, Nov. 2012
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takahashi, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Olfactory signals mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Aichi, Japan, Sep. 2012
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takahashi, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Appeasing pheromone mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses
- The 21st Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA Jun. 2012
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- The anterior olfactory nucleus is an important relay point connecting the main olfactory bulb and the amygdala in social buffering
- The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kanagawa, Japan, Sep. 2011
- Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Neural pathway for alarm-pheromone induced suppression of male sexual behavior in rats
- The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Kanagawa, Japan, Sep. 2011
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Anterior olfactory nucleus suppresses ipsilateral amygdala in social buffering of conditioned fear responses
- The 20th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Steamboat springs, Colorado, USA May. 2011
- Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Alarm pheromone suppresses sexual behavior in male rats
- The 20th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Steamboat springs, Colorado, USA May. 2011
- Kodama, Y, Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Characterization of housing-type social buffering in male rats
- The 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience2010)
- San Diego, USA, Nov. 2010
- Kobayashi, T., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Alarm pheromone suppresses male but not female sexual behavior in rats
- The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro2010)
- Hyogo, Japan, Sep. 2010
- Kodama, Y., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Physical interactions are not required for the housing-type social buffering in male rats
- The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro2010)
- Hyogo, Japan, Sep. 2010
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y.
- Anterior olfactory nucleus plays an important role in the social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro2010)
- Hyogo, Japan, Sep. 2010
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y.
- Anterior olfactory nucleus plays an important role in social buffering of conditioned fear responses
- The 19th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Sardinia, Italy, Jun. 2010
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y.
- Main olfactory system is essential for the social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Aich, Japan, Sep. 2009
- Kodama, Y., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Twelve-hour pair housing attenuates stress-induced hyperthermia in response to conditioned stimulus
- The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Aich, Japan, Sep. 2009
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y., Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y.
- Main olfactory system mediates social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 18th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Nassau, Bahamas, Jun. 2009
- Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- The alarm pheromone increases anxiety in male rats: pharmacological evidence using anxiolytics
- The 15th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste/Association for Chemoreception Sciences 30th Annual Meeting
- San Francisco, USA, Jul. 2008
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y.
- Social buffering mitigates conditioned fear responses without physical contact in male rats
- The 31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Tokyo, Japan, Jul. 2008
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. Nishihara, M. and Mori, Y.
- Social buffering mitigates conditioned fear responses without physical contact in male rats
- The 17th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- St. Thomas, US Virgin Island, Jun. 2008
- Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Two types of social buffering effects on conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2007)
- San Diego, USA, Nov. 2007
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Two types of social buffering differentially attenuates conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro 2007)
- Yokohama, Japan, Sep. 2007
- Inagaki, H., Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Enhancement of the acoustic startle reflex by an alarm pheromone in rats
- International Society for Neuroethology, 8th International Congress of Neuroethology
- Vancouver, Canada. Jul. 2007
- Kiyokawa, Y., Inagaki, H., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Alarm pheromone in male rats
- The 41th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell
- Tokyo, Japan. Jul. 2007
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Two types of social buffering differentially attenuate conditioned fear responses in male rats
- The 16th Annual Meeting of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Jun. 2007
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Alarm pheromone in rats
- International Symposium on "Evolutionary Aspect of Chemical Communication and Animal Behavior"
- Tokyo, Japan, May. 2006
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- The role of the vomeronasal organ in alarm pheromone perception
- Association for Chemoreception Sciences 28th Annual Meeting
- Sarasota, FL, USA, Apr. 2006
- Kiyokawa, Y., Shimozuru, M., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Alarm pheromone increases defensive and risk assessment behavior in male rats
- The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2005)
- Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2005
- Kikusui, T., Kiyokawa, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Deprivation of mother-pup interaction by early weaning alters the pattern of myelin formation in mice
- The 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Neuroscience 2005)
- Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2005
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Water-soluble alarm pheromone induced autonomic stress response in male rats
- Association for Chemoreception Sciences 27th Annual Meeting
- Sarasota, FL, USA, Apr. 2005
- Kiyokawa, Y.
- Emotional communication in rats
- International Symposium on "Social Cognition as a Higher Brain Function"
- Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2005
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Alarm pheromone that aggravate stress-induced hyperthermia in rats is soluble in water
- International Symposium on the Instinctive Brain Mechanisms Underlying the Basics of Life
- Tokyo, Japan, Jan. 2005
- Kikusui, T., Kiyokawa, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Rat's alarm pheromones; its mechanisms of production, perception and behavioral effects
- Current Status and Perspectives in Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology
- Satellite Symposium of the Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction Annual Meeting 2004
- Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2004
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Identifying the neural circuit of alarm pheromone perception
- Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Eighth Annual Meeting
- Lisbon, Portugal, Jul. 2004
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Functional analyses of the alarm pheromone in male rats
- The 14th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste/The 38th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell
- Kyoto, Japan, Jul. 2004
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Release of alarm pheromones from male rats
- Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Seventh Annual Meeting
- Cincinnati, OH, USA, Jun. 2003
- Kikusui, T., Takigami, S., Kiyokawa, Y., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- Alarm pheromones in male rats
- Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Sixth Annual Meeting
- Amherst, MA, USA, Jun. 2002
- Kiyokawa, Y., Kikusui, T., Takeuchi, Y. and Mori, Y.
- The alarm pheromone in rats; its physio-behavioral effects and sources
- Brain, Nose & Pituitary International Symposium
- Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2000
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