
悪魔はマインドを誘惑する: Obsessionというもの


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 悪霊による Oppression と Obsession と Possession の違いは何ですか。



非通常の影響は、一つの悪霊又は複数の悪霊が、天主の許す御意志(the permissive Will of God)によって、特定の方法で人間に影響を及ぼすのを許された場合に起こります。













St. Catherine of Siena Besieged by Demons

Obsessionについて調べているうち、タンクレー(Adolphe Tanquerey, 1854-1932)という高名らしい神学者を知った。



Catholicism | Suite101.com

彼は『修養神学と神秘神学の概要(Precis de theologie ascetique et mystique)A Treatise On Ascetical And Mystical Theologyという著書の中でObsessionのことに触れている。ごく概要的な内容だけれど、一応、試訳しておく。

§ I. オブセッション

§ I. Obsession

1532. I. その性質

1532. I. Its Nature.


Obsession consists in a series of unusually violent and persistent temptations. It is called external when the temptations affect the exterior senses by means of apparitions, and internal when they stir up sensations or emotions. It is rare that obsession is purely external, for the devil acts upon the senses in order the more easily to disturb the soul. However, there have been Saints who, though obsessed from without by all sorts of phantoms, preserved an unruffled peace of soul.

1533. 1° 悪魔はあらゆる外的感覚に影響を及ぼし得る

1533. 1° The devil can act upon all the external senses:


a) Upon the sense of sight, by appearing sometimes under repulsive forms to frighten persons and turn them away from the practice of virtue, as he did to the Venerable Mother Agnes of Langeac and to many others; at other times under seductive forms in order to lead them into sin, as he frequently did to St. Alphonsus Rodriguez.


b) Upon the sense of hearing, by causing blasphemous or obscene words or songs to be heard, as is told in the Life of the Blessed Margaret of Cortona, or by creating frightful noises, such as were experienced at times by St. Madeleine of Pazzi and the sainted Curé of Ars.


c) Upon the sense of touch, and this in two ways: by blows and wounds, such as we read of in the Bulls of Canonization of St. Catherine of Siena, of St. Francis Xavier, and in the Life of St. Teresa; or by embraces, the purpose of which is to tempt to sin, as St. Alphonsus Rodriguez relates of himself.


Father Schram remarks that there are cases in which these apparitions are pure hallucinations resulting from extreme nervous excitation. However, even in such cases they constitute formidable temptations.

1534. 2° 悪魔はまた、内的感覚にも働きかける。想像力に、記憶に、そして、それを興奮させるべく情念に。悩みの種となるイメージはしつこく想像力に付きまとい、それを追い払おうとするあらゆる努力にもかかわらず、そこに留まる。人は怒りの発作の、絶望の苦悶の、本能的な嫌悪感の虜になったようになる。或いはまた、もっともな理由が何もない危険な感傷性の虜になったようになる。疑いもなく、それが本当のオブセッションであるかどうかを識別するのは、時に困難である。しかし誘惑が、突然性、暴力性、継続性、そして通常の方法における原因究明の困難性を一度に持つならば、それが悪魔の陣営からの介入であると結論してよい。疑いがある場合は、カトリックの医師に助言を求めることが常に良い。医師はその現象が何らかの病理的な状態であるかどうかを検査することができる。そして、もし病理的な状態なら、それに適切な治療を処方する。

1534. 2° The devil also acts upon the interior senses, the imagination and the memory, and upon the passions, in order to excite them. Distressing and besetting images flit through the imagination and remain there in spite of every effort to expel them. One appears to have become the prey to fits of anger, to the anguish of despair, to instinctive feelings of antipathy, or on the other hand, to a dangerous sentimentality which nothing seems to justify. No doubt, it is difficult at times to decide whether the case is one of real obsession, but when the temptations are at once sudden, violent, persistent and hard to account for by natural means, one may conclude that it is a special intervention on the part of the devil. In case of doubt, it will always be well to consult a Catholic physician, who can examine whether the phenomena are due to some morbid condition, and if they are, to prescribe the proper medical treatment.

1535. II. 霊的指導者の態度

1535. II. Attitude of the spiritual Director.


He must unite enlightened prudence with paternal kindness.


a) Of course, he should not without serious evidence consider the case one of real obsession. Nevertheless, whether there be obsession or not, he must be full of pity towards penitents who are assailed by violent and persistent temptations, and he must help them with judicious advice. He should remind them particularly of what we have said with regard to temptations, the manner of resisting them (n. 902-918), and the special remedies against diabolical temptation (n. 223-224).


b) If at the height of the temptation some disorder takes place but without any consent on the part of the will, he must remind them that where there is no consent, there is no sin. In case of doubt and when the person in question habitually avoids sin, he will decide that there has been no fault, at least no grave fault.


c) When dealing wtih fervent souls, the director may well ask himself whether these persistent temptations are not part of the passive trials which we described above (n. 1426), and if so, he must give them the advice suited to their state of soul.

1536. d)もし悪魔によるオブセッションの存在が確かであると、或いはその可能性が高いと判断されるなら、霊的指導者は非公式に、ローマ儀式書の中のエクソシズムを、或いはもっと短い何らかの式文を用いることができる。〔しかし〕もしそのようなことをすることを決心しなければならないとしても、もしそのことを悔悛者に告げることがただに悔悛者を心配させるか興奮させるかするだけだと判断されるなら、指導者はあらかじめ悔悛者にそのことを言うべきではない。あなたのために教会によって承認された祈りを唱えます、と告げるだけで十分である。荘厳なエクソシズムは裁治権者の許可なしには用いられることはできない。許可のない時には、以下の憑霊に関しての中で示すような予防的処置だけとしなければならない。

1536. d) If it is morally certain or highly probable that there is diabolical obsession, the spiritual director may make use, in private, of the exorcisms contained in the Roman Ritual or of some shorter formulas. Should he determine to do so, he should not tell the penitent beforehand if he has reason to fear that it would only worry and excite him; it will suffice to say that he is going to recite over him some prayer approved by the Church. Solemn exorcisms may not be employed without the permission of the Ordinary, and then only with the precautions which we shall indicate when treating of possession.

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