55 slides add

Mt. Mizugaki climbing report

I think that there are six steps for dissociation.

First: Simple dissociation
Second: Out from Torauma.
Third: Living in the world agree
Fourth: Have sense for another dimention
  and Universe
Fifth: Living in the Universe agree
Sixth: Unknown
 52 Dissociation Level

53 An Autism
When people had shock for literacy about 3 years

Out side of mind like a peel.

That hang out and stop glow.

If you find that man.

Please tell them softly as you can.

Babies are not speaking and reading for words.
Then you can made the word for your
understandings, you made your own word.

When you stop at the park, will you please ask old
man. When you have aquestion, they would be
answer for your understandings.

This is the Difense Force.
54 Self Defense Force

55 An Emergency

I announce emergency.



51枚のスライド 51 slides for English 私の説明書 瑞牆山 2008年版 黄色のファイル トラウマ構成
予感 写真集 掲示板 a view for English Data