
Life dreams

Life is a Poem walked life with a journey. Living in various places in Japan, Life is a Poem has got in touch with the nature of mountains and forests in each place, communicated with lives there. At ruins of castles, she felt presences of ancient warriors. At museums and libraries, she has read waves of works and artists and writers of the works. Experience of touch with nature brought her a question of what is life, which led her to study plant physiology and genetic epidemiology. Rather than seeking the answer, in order to create space that surrounds lives, Life is a Poem also studied architecture and woodworking. In the time she worked at some architecture studios, Life is a Poem has come to be interested in interrelationships or borders between lives and spaces or environment the lives surrounded. What divides “it” and “what is not “it””? Everything is transitory. What used not to be “it” becomes a part of “it”, What used to be “it” apart from “it”, or “it” may be recognized as “that”. Like a wind blowing through the universe, when the waves which invisible but resonate with each other are found, it will manifest. Life is a Poem finds something resonates, quiet and softly, with something far away. Bachelor of Science in plant physiology at Osaka prefecture university(2000), Ph.D. in public health at Kyoto University Graduate School(2005), Bachelor of Arts in architecture at Aichi Sangyo University(2010). Working at architectural design offices, study carpenter at Polytechnic school Shizuoka(2011), and woodworking at Shimizu techno college in Shizuoka(2015). Resident at Raymond Farm Center for Living Arts & Design (New Hope, PA, USA,2018).



Life is a Poemは旅とともに人生を歩んできた。日本の様々な土地に暮らしながら、その土地その土地の山や森の自然に触れ、そこで出会う生き物たちと心を交わし、城跡で古の武人たちの気配を感じ、美術館や博物館、図書館の静かな空気のなかで作品とそれを生み出した作家達の波動を読んでいた。 自然との触れ合いは、生命とは何なのかという問いをもたらし、植物生理学、そして遺伝疫学を学んだ後、答えを求めるのではなく、自らの手で生命を包む空間を作るために、建築、木工を学ぶ。いくつかの建築事務所で働くうちに、生命と生命を取り巻く空間や環境、その相互作用、その境界に関心を持つようになる。 ソレとソレでないものを隔てるものは何なのか。ソレは移ろいゆく。ソレではなかったものがソレの一部となり、ソレであったものがソレから離れ、或いはソレは別のアレと認識されたりする。 まるで宇宙を吹き抜ける風のように、目には見えないが共鳴しあう波動がソレを形成し、見いだされた時、それは顕現する。Life is a Poemは響きあうもの、そっと静かに、遥か彼方と響きあうものを見出す。 学士(理学)(植物生理学、大阪府立大学2000)、博士(公衆衛生学、京都大学大学院2005)、学士(芸術)(建築学、愛知産業大学2010)。建築設計事務所勤務、静岡職業能力開発促進センターにおいて木造大工(2011)、静岡県立清水技術専門校において木工(2015)を学ぶ。 Raymond Farm Center for Living Arts & Design レジデント(米国ペンシルバニア州New Hope, 2018)。

since 23/05/29