What is Zazen ?

Meditation Zazen is sitting in meditation silently like the right posture.

This posture is the same as Buddha's meditation as you can see as the Buddha image.

Think nothing.
You can breathe as one body with the earth.

"Is Zen a philosophy ?" "Yes, Zen is a philosophy not to think, not to feel, but to do in this world."
"Is Zen a kind of Buddhism ? " "Yes. Buddha became enlightened by doing Zazen in India. That is the beginning of Zen. Zen has been transported to China by Bodhidharma and to Japan by several monks in the twelfth century. But Zen practice is opened to everyone, does not care his religion, race and sex. "
"Is Buddha God ?" "No. He is a man. "Buddha" means the "awakened" or "enlightened" one. Siddhartha Gautama , the man who became the Buddha, is thought to have lived from 563 to 483 BCE. "



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