Morning moon with a sand pattern

Morning moon with a sand pattern --Peace on desert--

The night is going to end in a minute. The sand pattern appears spreading gradually in the dawn. The morning moon stays there like expressing regret at parting. That spectacular catches camel's eyes.

Those who love deserts wish the calmness will return in Iraq.

"What is "Desert" ?" There is no definition of desert. There are three kinds of deserts by origin. 1. Climate desert: created by the Trade wind., 2. Inland desert: created by a mountain range in inland area., 3. Seashore desert: created by a cold current on the west side of continent.
I became fond of desert since I saw the movie "Lawrence of Arabia".
India-ink painting is usually used to draw wetting scenary not but drying one. But I think desert can be an object of India-ink painting because it is said that desert is a sea where you cannot use oar. This painting was awarded a prize, "Prize by Director of Tsuchiura-City Education Committee" in the 20th Suiokai exhibition (Oct. 12-17, 2003, in Mito).


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