Eternal Time
- Pompei -

Eternal Time - Pompei - --Stream of Time--

I visited the ancient city Pompei in May, 2001.

The city stopped 1923 years before, but trees and grass glow vividly in the sun in the present time.

The monuments cast their strong shadows in the sunlight of the southern country's sun.
Such a scenery is far from a theme of black & white painting. But the stream of time is in perfect accord with black & white painting.

"What is "Pompei"?" Pompei is an ancient city near Napoli in south Italy. The city was completely buried in an instant by the big eruption of the Volcano Vesuvio in 79 A.D., and the unearthing was started from the 18th century.
This was accepted for the exhibition, "Japan-China Indian-Ink Painting Ibakaki Exhibition "(October 13-17, 2002, Mito).
(892 mm x 686 mm, 2003)


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