

本稿は、主によって特別に選ばれた霊魂によって受け取られた新ミサに関するメッセージを公開するものです。ここで私達が扱う選ばれた霊魂はマリー-ジュリー・ジェニー(Marie-Julie Jahenny: 1850-1941)です。
マリー-ジュリー・ジェニー。La Fraudais [] の神秘家にして聖痕受領者。彼女は1850年2月12日、ブリタニー地方 [](フランス西部)の Blain という小村で生まれました。五人の子供達の中の最年長として、素朴で善良な両親によって、ブルターニュ人の性質として有名な強い信仰の中で育てられました。われらの主は、彼女の初聖体の頃から、多くの恩寵をもって彼女を祝福せられました。彼女が常に増加する信心を持っていたからです。二十代前半に、彼女は彼女自身に聖性をもたらすためにフランシスコ会第三会に入会しました。
後に、マリー-ジュリーは、共贖者的な苦しみの(犠牲の霊魂としての)生涯を、Blain の近く、La Fraudais の村落にある小さな小屋で過ごしました。彼女はこのようにして、彼女にフランスと世界の罪に対する償いをさせようとするわれらの至聖なる主の御願望を満たしました。彼女は、多くの預言の賜物と同様に、主イエズスと聖母からの示現をも受けました。
マリー-ジュリーは、彼女を常に検査していた多くの科学者達にとっては不思議の的であり、無神論者と誇り高ぶる者達にとっては冷笑の的であり、彼女の生涯の友人であったナントの司教モンシニョール Fourier や 彼女のメッセージを恩知らずで不注意な世界に普及させることを生涯の仕事とした献身的な人々のグループにとっては感嘆の的でした。彼女は1941年3月4日、天国の報いに向けて旅立ちました。
盲目になり、耳が遠くなり、口がきけなくなり、無力になって、彼女はその生涯の最後の長い期間を、御聖体だけによって奇跡的に生き延びました。それ故、確かに私達は、私達の悲しむべき日々のために主が彼女に打ち明けられたことを軽く受け流したりはしないでしょう。ここに、新しい典礼に関する マリー-ジュリーの受けた預言があります。
投票と調査が示しているように、カトリック信者のたった15%しか常に教会の教えに従うべきであると信じていない時に、また、ほとんどそれと同数の人達が非カトリック者のように人工妊娠中絶は許され得ると考えている時に、また、75%もの人達が離婚と避妊を禁ずる教会の教えに同意していない時に、誰が、あえて、カトリック教会の中に深刻な危機がないなどと主張することができるでしょうか? また他の研究では、カトリック教徒のたった30%しかまことの現存 [] を信じておらず、司祭にしてもその50%しかそれを信じていないことが分かっています。
La Fraudais: Blain 近郊の一地区
ブリタニー地方 = ブルターニュ地方
まことの現存(Real Presence)
This article reveals messages received by a privileged soul in regard to the New Mass. The chosen soul we will deal with in this paper is Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941). She may very well be the greatest mystic and stigmatist woman in the history of the Catholic Church.
Marie-Julie Jahenny, the mystic and Stigmatist of La Fraudais, was born on the 12th of February, 1850, in a little village in Brittany (in the West of France), called Blain. The eldest of five children, she was brought up by her simple, good parents in that lively faith for which Bretons are renowned. Our Lord favored her with many graces from the time of her First Holy Communion, graces to which she corresponded with ever increasing devotion. She joined the Franciscan Third Order when in her early twenties, to help to sanctify herself in the world.
In 1873, she received from Heaven that most remarkable mystic gift, the Stigmata. From the age of twenty-three until her death, some sixty years later, she bore in her body the Wounds of Our Lord to a more visible degree than had any other stigmatist in the Church's history. In addition to the Five Wounds of the Sacred Hands, Feet and Side, Marie-Julie suffered the Wounds inflicted by the Crown of Thorns and the Cross on Our Lord's Sacred Head and Shoulder respectively, the Wounds of His Scourging, those caused by the ropes with which He was bound, as well as other Wounds of a more mystic nature.
Henceforth, Marie-Julie lived her life of coredemptive suffering (as a victim soul) in a little cottage in the hamlet of La Fraudais, near Blain. She thus fulfilled Our Blessed Lord's desire for her to make reparation for the sins of France and the world. She was favored with frequent visions of Jesus and Mary, as well as many prophetic lights.
The truth of the Heavenly warnings of which she was to be the humble messenger was vindicated by her characteristic simplicity and honesty, her exemplary obedience to her spiritual directors and her Bishop, and of course, by the fulfillment of all she prophesied during her long life. With unfailing accuracy she foretold the two World Wars, the election of Pope Saint Pius X, the various persecutions of the Church, the chastisements and the fate of apostate France. Much remains to unfold. Her warnings for the Last Times should be read by all "who have ears."
Marie-Julie was the wonder of the many scientists who examined her continually, the scorn of unbelievers and the proud, the admiration of her lifelong friend, Monsignor Fourier, Bishop of Nantes, and of the devoted circle of those who made the diffusion of her messages to an ungrateful and unheeding world their life's work. She went to her Heavenly reward on March 4, 1941.
Blind, deaf, dumb and crippled, she had subsisted miraculously on the Blessed Sacrament alone, for the last many years of her life. Surely then, we will not pass over lightly what God has confided to her for the benefit of our own sad days. Now read Marie-Julies's prophecies concerning the new liturgy:
On November 27, 1902 (Ed. note: The seventy-second anniversary of the Miraculous Medal Apparition [November 27, 1830]) and on May 10, 1904, Our Lord warned of the new liturgy which would one day be instituted:
"I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas, and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words which are odious in My Sight. When the fatal hour arrives where the faith of my priest is put to the test, it will be these texts that will be celebrated, in this second period.
"The first period is the one of My Priesthood, existing since Me. The second is the one of the persecution, when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion will impose their formulas in the book of the second celebration. Many of My holy priests will refuse this book, sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately, amongst them are those who will accept it."
On May 10, 1904, Our Lady describes the new clergy and its liturgy:
"They will not stop on this hateful and sacrilegious road. They will go further to compromise all at once, and in one blow, the Holy Church, the clergy, and the Faith of my children."
She announces the "dispersion of the pastors" by the Church herself; true pastors, who will be replaced by others formed by Hell: "...new preachers of new sacraments, new temples, new baptisms, new confraternities."
Who could possibly claim that there is not a terrible crisis of Faith in the Catholic Church when polls and surveys show that only 15% of Catholics believe they should always obey Church teaching, when nearly as many Catholics think abortion is permissible as non-Catholics, and when 75% of Catholics disagree with Church teaching forbidding divorce and contraception? Another study revealed that only 30% of Catholics now believe in the Real Presence and only 50% of the priests.
The crisis in the Church will continue to worsen until we return to orthodoxy and discipline. If we deny one article of our Faith, we are on the road to hell. In order to maintain the Faith in its fullness, it is imperative that we associate with a Traditional Mass center – at least until the storm is over and our traditions are restored. There is a precedence in this form of action in the life of St. Athanasius, Confessor and Doctor of the Church.
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