
Piers Compton 著『折れた十字架』第十一章(抜粋)

この事態は、Marian Press 社(カナダ、オンタリオ州、ジョージタウン)の Mr. Daniel Scallen という人物がニューヨークのピンカートン探偵社(Pinkerton Detective Agency)に調査を依頼するというかたちでその頂点を迎えた。1973年、一人の探偵がローマに送られ、やがて、他の全ての推測が──たとえそれらがどれほど衝撃的な内容の推測だったとしても──霞んでしまうほどの調査結果を持ち帰った。
その違いとは: モンティーニは明るいブルーの目を持っており、それは大きく、そして彼は遠視であって、近くのものを見る時にだけ眼鏡を必要とした。それに対し詐称者は、グリーンの目を持っており、それは小さく、そして彼はあらゆる時に厚肉レンズの眼鏡を掛けていた。
しかし、この問題に取り組む信者グループはそこに留まらなかった。彼らは今度は声に着目し、Kay Elemetrics 社(ニュージャージー州、パインブロック)のタイプB-65声紋グラフ、及び、Ball Telephone Company 社の助けを借りた。彼らの目的は声──あるいは、もし本当に二人の教皇がいるなら「声々」と言うべきだが──を分析することだった。検査対象は、1975年の復活祭とクリスマスに、教皇がバチカンから免償を与える言葉と共に伝統的な祝福の言葉を発音する場面から取られた。
これらの声紋グラフは検査にかけるために FBI にも提出された。そして、そこでも同じ結果が出たのである。声のパターンが違っており、声帯、口、唇などが、それぞれの個人に特有のものであることが明らかとなった。
偽の教皇パウロ六世が居たとする主張は、次いで、彼は P. A. R. というイニシャルを持つ俳優だった者であり、そして1978年8月にカステルガンドルフォで死んだのは彼である、と続ける。一人のドイツ人の司教は、モンティーニが最後にはバチカンではなくローマ郊外に住んでいた証拠がある、と主張し、自分の次の本でそのことを公表したいということであった。
では、これらのことは、本物のパウロ六世がバチカンの中で捕囚にされた、あるいは誘拐された、あるいは殺された、ということを指し示していると言えるのだろうか? ある一人の平信徒が、より具体的な証拠を探すためにブレーシア(Brescia)に向かった。そこにはモンティーニの親戚が何人か生きていたからである。モンティーニの姪にあたる女性が、その男に、彼ら(親戚達)は詐称者がいることをよく知っており、しかしそれを伝えようとする彼らの努力は全て抑圧された、と語ったということである。
訳出 2008/04/25
Piers Compton(1901-1986)氏はこの本──Broken Cross: Hidden Hand in the Vatican──を出版しようとしてたびたび圧力を受けていたようです。出版社への圧力、そして自宅にも「本は決して出版されないだろう」という脅迫めいた電話があったそうです。
Piers Compton: "The book will never be published"
G. Patrick Battell – excatholicsforchrist.com October 7, 2006
Piers Compton – 1901-1986
In 1983, a devastating non-fiction book authored by Catholic writer, Piers Compton, entitled The Broken Cross -The hidden hand in the Vatican, hit the bookshops.
With its expose of secret forces in the Vatican and its allegations concerning Freemasonry, Satanism, as well as a substitution pope and a sinister agenda by senior Curia prelates to murder another pope, it only fuelled future speculation about the Catholic Church, before the book was ever published. It also demolished the myth about another "good" pope due for sainthood in that church in the near future.
Piers Compton was himself a distinguished author of over a dozen published books and in my opinion, a brave and courageous author to denounce such a formidable organization. As a young man he had tested his own vocation both in England and France before forsaking such a venture and entering into journalism.
Later as literary editor of the Catholic weekly newspaper The Universe for over 15 years, his professional research for his future book would allow him great freedom to travel and talk with priests, and I suspect bishops and cardinals, in and out of the Vatican, who like himself confirmed the results of Vatican II as disturbing and sinister.
That the finished book was ever published is indeed incredible in itself. Yet almost immediately the book was, "withdrawn from circulation almost as soon as it was published, with the announcement that it would not again be printed", so wrote the author with some honesty concerning his final book.
Pressure from the start it seems was heaped upon the publishers to prevent its publication. Today I could find no trace of them in my research.
His wife also graphically remembers the menacing and offensive telephone calls that always arrived late at night with the words spoken in a muffled tone, warning:
"The book will never be published", "The book will never be published", "The book will never be published." Brave lady that she was, she took no notice of such bullying tactics.
I have to suggest that these threats were by the English Catholic hierarchy who knew of the books shocking sources. Perhaps the nuncio was involved as well in the plot.
Certainly the popular cardinal at that time would have been no friend to what Piers Compton was revealing in his manuscript.
When finally published the book would find few reporters willing to write a fair review. One has to ask, were they muzzled by obliging editors?
Three years after the books publication Piers Compton died after a long illness. (Interestingly not only would he remain a practising Catholic until the day he died, but also favoured cremation over burial, something his wife long opposed.)
But his damming book in my opinion remains his lasting legacy concerning the machinations of the Roman Catholic church.
After his death he left instructions to his widow that there be no prepared obituaries or photos used about him for publication. Perhaps he feared some future repercussions against his family. But his widow firmly assured me that he had no lasting regrets at all about researching and finishing his monograph. For that I salute him.
But as she reminded me, selecting her words very carefully about who tried to prevent her late husbands book ever being printed and seeing the light of day, she said:
"They are stronger than you are; they have got all the big guns." In that I would agree with her absolutely. But there is One who is coming Who is mightier than even they and His name is - Jesus Christ!
G. Patrick Battell,
7th October 2006
PS. On a personal note I had great difficulty in purchasing my own copy of Piers Compton's book, with its marvellous art work on the front cover. So do please let me know if you had the same difficulty, and did it change your attitude concerning the Catholic Church after you read it? I would be interested.
Whilst the book may not be in print it is nonetheless open to veiw as an ebook:
The Broken Cross - The hidden hand in the Vatican
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