
We show that simultaneous equation {a^4+b^4+c^4+d^4 = e^4+f^4+g^4+h^4 ,abcd=efgh} has infinitely many parametric solutions.
We use old result {a^4+b^4+c^4+d^4 = e^4+f^4+g^4+h^4 ,abcd=efgh} below.
    {a^4 + b^4 + c^4 + d^4 = e^4 + f^4 + g^4 + h^4, abcd=efgh} has a follwing parametric solution.

    a = p(m + r^4 - q^4)          e = p(m - r^4 + q^4)
    b = q(m + p^4 - w^4)          f =-q(-m + p^4 - w^4)
    c =-r(-m + p^4 - w^4)         g = r(m + p^4 - w^4)
    d = w(m - r^4 + q^4)          h = w(m + r^4 - q^4)
    Condition: p^4 + q^ 4 = r^4 + w^4

First, we show diophantine equation p^4+q^4=r^4+w^4 has infinitely many parametric solutions.


Diophantine equation p^4+q^4=r^4+w^4 has infinitely many parametric solutions.



Let p=kt+u, q=nt+v, r=kt-v, w=nt+u, then equation (1) becomes to below equation.


Since this is a quadratic equation in t, for t to be rational number, the discriminant of the equation must be square number.

Let U=k/n then we obtain

V^2 = (-28u^4-28v^4-64vu^3-72v^2u^2-64v^3u)U^4
Quartic equation (3) has a rational point Q(U,V)=( (u^3-v^3)/(u^3+v^3), 24u^3v^3(u-v)/((u^2-uv+v^2)^2(u+v)) ), then this quartic equation is birationally equivalent to an elliptic curve below.

= X^3-32/9(2v^16-4v^15u+16v^14u^2-24u^3v^13+32u^4v^12-2u^5v^11-6u^6v^10+41u^7v^9-102u^8v^8+41u^9v^7-6u^10v^6-2u^11v^5+32u^12v^4-24u^13v^3+16u^14v^2-4u^15v+2u^16)*X^2/(u^4v^4(u^2-uv+v^2)^2)

The point corresponding to point Q is P(X,Y)=( 32/9(2v^16-4v^15u+16v^14u^2-24u^3v^13+32u^4v^12-2u^5v^11-6u^6v^10+41u^7v^9-102u^8v^8+41u^9v^7-6u^10v^6-2u^11v^5+32u^12v^4-24u^13v^3+16u^14v^2-4u^15v+2u^16)/(u^4v^4(u^2-uv+v^2)^2),
512/27(2v^18+15v^16u^2+12u^4v^14-43u^6v^12+6u^8v^10+6u^10v^8-43u^12v^6+12u^14v^4+15u^16v^2+2u^18)/(v^6u^6) ).

This point P is of infinite order, and the multiples mP, m = 2, 3, ...give infinitely many points.

Hence we can obtain infinitely many parametric solutions for equation (1).


Simultaneous diophantine equation {a^4+b^4+c^4+d^4 = e^4+f^4+g^4+h^4 ,abcd=efgh} has infinitely many parametric solutions.


According to old result, simultaneous diophantine equation {a^4+b^4+c^4+d^4 = e^4+f^4+g^4+h^4 ,abcd=efgh}  has a follwing parametric solution.

a = p(m + r^4 - q^4),          e = p(m - r^4 + q^4)
b = q(m + p^4 - w^4),          f =-q(-m + p^4 - w^4)
c =-r(-m + p^4 - w^4),         g = r(m + p^4 - w^4)
d = w(m - r^4 + q^4),          h = w(m + r^4 - q^4)
Condition: p^4 + q^ 4 = r^4 + w^4.
m is arbitrary.

From Lemma, diophantine equation p^4+q^4=r^4+w^4 has infinitely many parametric solutions, then
simultaneous equation {a^4+b^4+c^4+d^4 = e^4+f^4+g^4+h^4 ,abcd=efgh} has infinitely many parametric solutions.



Case of Q(U,V)=( (u^3-v^3)/(u^3+v^3), 24u^3v^3(u-v)/((u^2-uv+v^2)^2(u+v)) ).
To simplify the result, let v=1.

p = u^7+u^5-2u^3-3u^2+u
q = u^6+3u^5+u^2-2u^4+1
r = -u^6+3u^5-u^2+2u^4-1
w = u^7+u^5-2u^3+3u^2+u

a = u(u^4-3u+u^6-2u^2+1)(-1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)
b = (3u^5+u^2+u^6-2u^4+1)(-1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)
c = (-3u^5+u^2+u^6-2u^4+1)(1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)
d = u(u^4+3u+u^6-2u^2+1)(1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)
e = u(u^4-3u+u^6-2u^2+1)(1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)
f = (3u^5+u^2+u^6-2u^4+1)(1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)
g = (-3u^5+u^2+u^6-2u^4+1)(-1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)
h = u(u^4+3u+u^6-2u^2+1)(-1+24u^5-72u^9-192u^11+72u^7+24u^23-72u^19+72u^21-192u^17+288u^15+288u^13)

u is arbitrary.