
We show  X^4 + Y^4 + Z^4 + W^4 = T^2 has infinitely many parametric solutions.

There are infinitely many parametric solutions of X^4+Y^4+Z^4+W^4 = T^2.
      2P: {X,Y,Z,W,T}={16*n^2*(n^2-3)*(n-1)*(n+1)*(n^8-4*n^6+46*n^4-52*n^2+25),
      -2P: {X,Y,Z,W,T}={-16*n^2*(n^8+24*n^6+178*n^4-544*n^2+325)*(n-1)*(n+1)*(n^6+27*n^4-13*n^2+25)*(n^10+37*n^8+378*n^6-134*n^4-875*n^2+625)*(n^10+13*n^8+250*n^6-534*n^4+277*n^2+25),
      n: arbitrary


X^4+Y^4+Z^4+W^4 = T^2....................................................................................(1)

Set X=a, Y=b, Z=c, W=x, T=x-k............................................................................(2)

x^2 = 1/2(k^2-a^4-b^4-c^4)/k.

Set k=a^2+b^2+c^2, then 

x^2 = (a^2b^2+a^2c^2+b^2c^2)/(a^2+b^2+c^2)...............................................................(3)

Hence we have to find a rational solution of {u^2=a^2b^2+a^2c^2+b^2c^2, v^2=a^2+b^2+c^2}.

Fortunately, Euler had already found this solution below.(Piezas[1])

{a,b,c} = {p^2+q^2-r^2,  2pr,  2qr} where {p,q,r} = {-8n(n^2-1),  n^4-10n^2+5,  -n(n^2+1)(n^2-3)}.

Substitute Euler's solution to (3), and we obtain

x = 2(n-1)(n+1)(n^2+1)(n^4-10n^2+5)(n^6+27n^4-13n^2+25)(n^2-3)n/((n^8-4n^6+46n^4-52n^2+25)).

Substitute x to (2), and we obtain a solution of (1).(mP of m=2)

According to Euler[2], he obtained  the solution as follows.

Substitute a=2rp, b=2rq, and c=p^2+q^2-r^2 which is the solution of v^2=a^2+b^2+c^2 to u^2=a^2b^2+a^2c^2+b^2c^2,
then we obtain (4).

Substitute r=p-nq to (4), then we obtain 

t^2 = 4(1+n^2)p^4-4n(1+n^2)p^3q+(1+6n^2+n^4)p^2q^2+4n(1-n^2)pq^3+(1-n^2)^2q^4.............................(5)

Let transform equation (5) to elliptic curve (6).

Y^2-4nYX+(8n-8n^5)Y = X^3+(n^4+2n^2+1)X^2+(-16+16n^2+16n^4-16n^6)X-16n^10-16n^8+32n^6+32n^4-16n^2-16......(6)

Since P = (-n^4-2n^2-1, 4n^5-8n^3-12n) is a point on (6), we can obtain a point 2P and corresponding point 2Q as follows.

2Q=(-8n(n-1)(n+1)/(n^4-10n^2+5), (n-1)(n+1)(n^2+1)(n^6+27n^4-13n^2+25)/((n^4-10n^2+5)^2))

Since q/p=-8n(n-1)(n+1)/(n^4-10n^2+5), we obtain {p,q,r}= {-8n(n-1)(n+1), n^4-10n^2+5, -n(n^2-3)(1+n^2)}.

Euler gave the solution in this way.

Furthermore we can obtain the points mP on the elliptic curve (6), m=1,2,3,....,
then the equation (1) has infinitely many parametric solutions.

We show two parametric solutions of the case 2P and -2P. 


[1].Tito Piezas: {x^2+y^2+z^2, x^2y^2+x^2z^2+y^2z^2}
[2].L.Euler: On three square numbers, of which the sum and the sum of products two apiece will be a square