
Moody and  Zargar[1] showed that x^4 + y^4 -2z^4 -2w^4 = 0 has infinitely many rational solutions.
It seems that Richmond showed if a rational solution to ax^4 + by^4 + cz^4 + dw^4 = 0 is known then others can be found.
Anyway, we show a new solution of ax^4 + by^4 + cz^4 + dw^4 = 0 by using a known solution.
By repeating this process, we can obtain infinitely many integer solutions.


    ax^4 + by^4 + cz^4 + dw^4 = 0 has a new solution as follows.
    By repeating that we use a new solution as a known solution, we obtain infinitely many integer solutions.

    x = x0*{(y0^4*b*x0^12+c*x0^12*z0^4)*a^3+(2*y0^8*b^2*x0^8+7*y0^4*c*b*x0^8*z0^4+c^2*z0^8*x0^8)*a^2
    y = y0*{(-3*c*x0^12*z0^4+y0^4*b*x0^12)*a^3+(2*y0^8*b^2*x0^8+3*y0^4*c*b*x0^8*z0^4-3*c^2*z0^8*x0^8+4*y0^2*z0^2*x0^10*w0^2*n)*a^2
    z = z0*{(3*y0^4*b*x0^12-c*x0^12*z0^4)*a^3+(6*y0^8*b^2*x0^8+4*y0^2*z0^2*x0^10*w0^2*n+9*y0^4*c*b*x0^8*z0^4-c^2*z0^8*x0^8)*a^2
    w = w0*{(y0^4*b*x0^12+c*x0^12*z0^4)*a^3+(2*y0^8*b^2*x0^8-y0^4*c*b*x0^8*z0^4+c^2*z0^8*x0^8)*a^2
    condition: ax0^4 + by0^4 + cz0^4 + dw0^4 = 0


ax^4 + by^4 + cz^4 + dw^4 = 0.................................................(1)
Let {x0,y0,z0,w0} is a known solution.
Put x = pt+x0, y = qt+y0, z = rt+z0, w =st+w0.................................(2)

Substitute (2) to (1), and simplifying (1), we obtain

Equating to zero the coefficient of t and t^2, then we obtain

s = -(ax0^3p+cz0^3r+by0^3q)/(dw0^3)
r = 1/2(-2z0^2ax0^3pc-2z0^2cby0^3q
Then, (5) must be square.
Simplifying (5), (5) becomes to abcdx0^2y0^2w0^4(y0p-x0q)^2.
Hence, to obtain the rational solition r of (4), abcd must be square.    
Put n^2= abcd,
r = 1/2(-2z0^2ax0^3pc-2z0^2cby0^3q+2nx0y0w0^2(y0p-x0q))/((c^2z0^4+cdw0^4)z0)   
t = - coefficient of t^3 / coefficient of t^4.(omitted since result is tedious)

Substitute s, r, and t to (2), and remove common factors, then obtain a new solution.

Thus, we can find other solution by using known solution {x0,y0,z0,w0}.

By repeating this process, we can obtain infinitely many integer solutions.


Case: (a,b,c,d)=(1,1,-2,-2), (x0,y0,z0,w0)=(19, 21, 7, 20), x^4 + y^4 -2z^4 -2w^4 = 0

x = 1086629
y = 3956211
z = 2724463
w = 2872540

We obtain same solution as Moody's one.

Case: (a,b,c,d)=(1,1,-17,-17), (x0,y0,z0,w0)=(13, 8, 5, 6), x^4 + y^4 -17z^4 -17w^4 = 0

x = 95896333
y = 176117272
z = 88538885
w = 18418554

Case: (a,b,c,d)=(1,1,-41,-41), (x0,y0,z0,w0)=(33, 17, 7, 13), x^4 + y^4 -41z^4 -41w^4 = 0

x = 220547349
y = 1190824381
z = 470722651
w = 50451089

Case: (a,b,c,d)=(6,3,-2,-1), (x0,y0,z0,w0)=(30, 9, 1, 47), 6x^4 + 3y^4 -2z^4 -w^4 = 0

x = 6494190
y = 2027781
z = 658291
w = 10175923



[1]. Dustin Moody and Arman Shamsi Zargar, On integer solutions of x^4+y^4-2z^4-2w^4=0,Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
Vol.19, 2013, No.1