Equation ax^p + by^q + cz^r = 0 is called super-fermat equation. 

If 1/p + 1/q + 1/r =1, the equation is called parabolic-type.

This type equation has infinitely many or finitely many solutions depending on a,b,c.([1].Cohen)

I show that the equation x^2 + y^4 = 5z^4 has infinitely many integer solutions.

Method 1.

x^2 + y^4 = 5z^4..........................................................(1)

First, we transform the equation (1) to the elliptic curve (2).

Let X=y/z, Y=x/z^2 then Y^2 = -X^4 + 5....................................(2)

Equation (2) is transformed to the next equation (3).


By using Cremona's mwrank, we obtain the rank=1 and generator is P(4,-12) on (3).

Hence, (1) has infinitely rational solutions.

Small solutions(?) are shown below.
      x                       y             z
 P    2                       1             1
2P    358                     11            13 
3P    7297558                 2291          2005
4P    42286654776242          3014761       4398073 
5P    17100414992871911595602 133156642201  104958878089

Method 2.

We find a parametric solution.

Let x = gX^2+hX+p, y = X+q, z = X+r, p^2 + q^4 = 5r^4, then (1) becomes to (4).


X = 4(qp^4-5rp^4+75r^5p^2-15r^3q^2p^2-250r^9+150r^6q^3-30r^3q^6-15q^3r^2p^2+3q^5p^2+2q^9)p^2

x = -p(-480q^15rp^4+1800000q^8p^2r^12-3600000q^5p^2r^15-5760q^17p^2r^3+72000q^14p^2r^6

y = -1000p^2r^9+3p^4q^5-4p^2q^9-20p^6r+300p^4r^5+80r^3q^10-600r^6q^7+2000r^9q^4-2500qr^12

z = 500p^2r^9+12p^4q^5+8p^2q^9-16p^6r+75p^4r^5-12rq^8p^2+120q^5p^2r^4-60p^4q^3r^2+80r^4q^9

For example, substitute {p,q,r}={358,11,13} to {x,y,z}, then {x,y,z}={-17100414992871911595602, 133156642201, -104958878089}.
This case {p,q,r}={358,11,13} gives the same solution as the case 5P of method 1.


[1].Henri Cohen:Number Theory Volume 1:Tools and Diophantine Equations.