55 slides 2/3

Mt. Mizugaki climbing report

18 brain disorder 1
Brain disorder 1
Hemoglobin has made natural select by
Oxygen tension and stress.
Hemoglobin is dissolve and there are ions.
Touch the limit of under zone then start.
It will be need time make blood.
Decrease 3days, it will keep balance after 2months.
After making it will come negative time.

Man is tired by energy of dissolve and
Making blood. So there comes negative.
18 brain disorder 1

19 brain disorder 2
19 brain disorder 2
Brain disorder 2


First, there is depression.

I think social is sick, construction of society is

Abnormal, then Man will become depression made

by Oxygen Tension and stress.

Hemoglobin have pressure and made them to

Under zone, staying under zone.

That is not enough Oxygen to man’s brain.

So man’s brain is not work.

This is my feel about depression.

20 brain disorder 3
Brain disorder 3
Female have little be good and bad, few times
Appear. As they have low normal zone,
There is not enough Oxygen to brain.
Female have menses, they have rhythm of
Blood cycle. To be increase hemoglobin is to have
body load and some sports.
Made hemoglobin gravity little be heavy.
20 brain disorder 3

21 brain disorder 4
21 brain disorder 4
Brain disorder 4

Atypical psychosis

That’s become depression and mania.

This is able to see hemoglobin changing.

Depression will case hemoglobin reaction,

Then have schizophrenia, and another bloodHave
react then made depression, and chain.

To have hemoglobin balance is sport exercise.

22 brain disorder 5
Brain disorder 5
Mania is something happen then natural
Select is going increase hemoglobin.
Over 6.5% hemoglobin is reacting then done.
Experience of 8000m is known 24g/dl.
When stop mania it become long negative.
22 brain disorder 5

23 brain disorder 6
23 brain disorder 6
Brain disorder 6

Continue schizophrenia

Hemoglobin lives 120days. When hemoglobin have
chain reaction, it’s continue longest about 4months.
It is able to say mania.

Does it have young body?

24 trauma
I had mixed trauma. I try to new medicine
That is my pieces of memories born after 3 months,
is correct arrangement for my learn
And memories to my brain.
I had rumination my young memories.
I am able to find start point of my trauma.
I can tell you what is my trauma start, because I’m
remember my start point.
Born after 3month.
This is result of medicine.
24 trauma

25 life line

25 life line
I remember from when I was baby just born
After 3 months.

Analyze my mind.

This is effect test of medicine too.

Look at No.26 slide, when I had double
Accident December 1979, what happen that
Moment. Inside avalanche I had flush back.
After accident I had survivors guilt in front
Of Hospital gate, second flush buck I had
Brain memories is able to write electrical
Circuit that is electrical signal. My brain had
Programmable computer.
That was amplification inside my brain hard and
mixed. I had hard trauma.
This is PTSD.


   27 PTSD and Blood
Look at No.27 slide.

The moment of flush buck.

Then my hemoglobin gives off Ionization Oxygen.After 12hours I had second flush back.

That was as same as schizophrenia.

I think that my blood had reaction.
Natural select and increase Hemoglobin I had.

The mental limit had made Hemoglobin reaction.Touch the under zone then increase Hemoglobin.This is my analysis what happen to me

at the Accident.

28 why flushback
Why flush buck happen inside avalanche?
I think that near death experience is made by
Almost unknown inside avalanche that make
Person to choke. Body have emergency then
Hemoglobin release Oxygen and ion too.
Old memories inside brain catch ion, then
Flush buck is happening light speed chain
This is my answer.
28 why flushback

29 experience flushback
29 experience flushback
Flush buck is so fast that pieces of memories

Appear by light speed. I’m forgotten things

Still remembering for me.

I had surfing inside avalanche is same as.

So I believe come to end avalanche.

I had serious hope to living.

30 inside body
Inside body is choking.
I was not breathing during inside avalanche.
Body have emergency my blood gather to
Upside of my body. And release Oxygen,
From hemoglobin and separate ions.
I think this time not have natural select.
Near death experience is natural reaction.
Human has an instinct.
30 inside body

31 construction Hb
31 construction Hb
Look at No.31 slide.

There is construction of hemoglobin

There made by four hem irons..

The irons unite by ion and amino acid.

32 hemiron and oxygen
Look at No.32 slide.
Construction hem iron and Oxygen are ion
One hem iron has 4 oxygen molecules.
So 1g hemoglobin bringing 1.34ml oxygen.
32 hem iron and oxygen

33 construction hemiron
33 construction hem iron
Look at No.33 slide

Construction of single hem iron.

Single of hem iron by amino acid.

When hemoglobin dissolve then react ion

And energy.

34 human dissociation
Human’s life have upside and downside.
If touch upper limit and down side of limit
They have dissociation.
This life line to be mathematical function,
It’s able to seem human’s senses.
34 human dissociation
